North Carolina Judicial Candidate Whose Ability to Have a Ballot Label is Threatened by the Legislature Speaks

The Charlotte Observer has this op-ed by Chris Anglin, the North Carolina candidate for State Supreme Court Justice whose ability to use a ballot label, “Republican”, is being threatened by the state legislature. Thanks to Howard Bashman for the link.


North Carolina Judicial Candidate Whose Ability to Have a Ballot Label is Threatened by the Legislature Speaks — 3 Comments

  1. He didn’t explain why he was a registered Democrat until a month before filing.

  2. He explained quite well why he was running as a Republican. All-in-all, his op-ed was well written concise and to the point with valid arguments.

  3. @Gene,

    He did not explain why he was a registered Democrat. He claims that he voted for George Bush, but he is only 32.

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