Gary Johnson Must Decide by August 18 Whether To Accept Libertarian Nomination for U.S. Senate

On August 4, the New Mexico Libertarian Party chose Gary Johnson as its nominee for U.S. Senate, to replace Aubrey Dunn, who withdrew recently. Johnson must decide by August 18 whether to accept the nomination. See this story.


Gary Johnson Must Decide by August 18 Whether To Accept Libertarian Nomination for U.S. Senate — 11 Comments

  1. ONE election day.

    Equal nominating petitions / filing fees for ballot access.

    Candidate/incumbent replacement lists.

    PR and AppV

  2. If he decides against it what happens then? Does the LPNM just not have a nominee for US Senate? That would be rather poopy since they have no nominees for governor or lieutenant governor either. Amazing what “major party” status can do to a minor party!

  3. Johnson to continue that run as a male ahead of females, he was nominated as two males for two consecutive years, uses vetos (i.e. veto=my way or no way) and our team can do better.

    The Libertarian and Green Party bosses don’t want you to know about the United Coalition USA, but a few men are concerned about egomaniacs, conceited psychopathic males, pushing two males in two-member districts while snuffing out the awesome female candidates: Anarchist, Ordinary Anarchist, Roseannearchist, Libertarian, Green, One, Constitution and Working Families, to name a few.

    All is forgiven.

    Bring the opposite gender ahead of our own, help make them 50/50 partners, and guarantee gender balance to demonstrate teamwork.

    Coach our team aggressively with regard to team psychology under pure proportional representation (PPR).

    The One Party national team seeks male and female candidates for POTUS 2020 who reside outside of California.

    Are you interested in a unifying voting system?

    The team that has been using parliamentary procedures under pure proportional representation for more than twenty-three consecutive years:

  4. Saying a person shouldn’t run because they are male is just as offensive as saying a women shouldn’t run. We need to turn away from bigotry in all its forms.

  5. Sorry Brandon but you not I will never be female. By men uniting for our opposite gender we guarantee that there will be one female and one of us may be the male should 66.66% (plus two votes) alternate genders with consecutively alternating genders thereafter.

    Besides we ask you to voluntarily consider and often there are far fewer female choices anyway.

    I don’t see your point since voting for only half the possibilities still gives the other half the same guarantee and also that which cannot exist without pure proportional representation (PPR).

  6. The rank order rigging of party PR lists of candidates by top party gangster monarchs / oligarchs is also what has prevented getting PR into more regimes —

    IE Hitler lists in Germany in 1929-1933
    the various gang leader lists in Israel since 1949

    — adding to the chaos in *parliamentary* regimes — PR in whole or part.

    Voter nominating petitions / filing fees.

  7. IMO New Mexico needs to adopt RCV like Maine. It’s becoming clear that Johnson fears the dynamics of a 3 way race with plurality voting in his home state. It isn’t just Johnson, but the Green Party there has been frustrated as well by the plurality voting system.

  8. We have plenty of conciepted, egomaniac males who put themselves before the interests of the whole.

    A humble and unselfish sole is preferred over arrogance.

    The best team players want to be fair and to protect the equality of the whole.

    Our votes will reward the best team players who are interested in equal treatment and equal time.

    If people refuse to be interested in fairness to the whole, then our team will look for candidates who are better team players, because good teamwork attracts votes, raises moral and builds confidence.

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