Additional Votes Counted in Washington U.S. House Race, 2nd District: Libertarian Now Holds a Narrow Lead for Second

As Washington election officials continue to tally more votes from the August 7 primary for U.S. House, 2nd district, the identity of the second-place finisher has changed twice. Votes posted on Friday, August 10, now show the Libertarian Party candidate, Brian Luke, in second place. Whoever places second will appear on the November ballot under the top-two system.

Here are the results as of the end of the day, August 10. Luke has 11,738; independent Gary Franco has 11,664; a Democrat has 11,602; and the Republican, Mike the Mover, has 11,249.

If Luke does eventually take second, that will be the first time that any minor party candidate has ever placed first or second in a top-two election, when there was also a Republican and a Democrat in the same race. It will also be the first time that a minor party candidate for U.S. House has appeared on the November ballot in Washington, since the state started using top-two in 2008.


Additional Votes Counted in Washington U.S. House Race, 2nd District: Libertarian Now Holds a Narrow Lead for Second — 21 Comments






  2. The split vote problem is being featured here by BAN.

    All plurality voting (not ranking with numerals) will bring the split vote problem when more candidates are on the ballot, larger dysfunctional actions striking out a majority faction are always expected.

    When rankings are used the set guaranteed thresholds is always fairest and closest to a tie, if which tie must be broken by one vote and ranked choice voting is not just one vote because it is incremental calibration/prioritization.

    To clarify, pure proportional representation (PPR) uses ranked choice voting (RCV=1,2 3,4,etc.), it is required.

    No other voting system but RCV in multiple winner districts of two or more, can guarantee team psychology, equal treatment fairness, and mathematical unity.

    No exceptions.

  3. The promotion of single winner districts is the promotion of unfair and unequal treatment for our opposite gender.

    Notice how there are no female candidates?

  4. JO… maybe that’s because females didn’t take the opportunity to file? Nobody’s stopping them… they just CHOSE not to. What are you calling for, the obligation of females to run for office? Seems just as oppressive as not letting them vote.

  5. Andrew, under RCV we can simultaneously elect both too names of both genders.

    If the issue isn’t important to you then maybe you don’t want 50/50 cooperation with women so you need not get involved.

    We understand that unequal treatment for the fairer gender is fine with you.

  6. Andrew doesn’t see any pattern here in national elections. A pattern which the United Coalition USA will address.

    The party bosses don’t want us to know about a voting system by which 66.66% of the voters vote our opposite gender #1 with consecutively alternating genders thereafter but the United Coalition has been using PPR for twenty-three consecutive years and PPR works best for fairness to women voters.

  7. Do us voters want to encourage more self-centered, egomaniacal psychopathic single-winner district power-grabbing males now winning in most elections?

    Or do us voters want to see candidates who can work with both genders, to see who can demonstrate that they are interested in teamwork, collaboration and unity under ranked numerals cast on stack of paper ballots?

  8. More or less STATISM with that *teamwork, collaboration and unity* ???

    What’s next for QUOTAS in the JO universe —

    young/old ???
    poor/rich ???
    short/tall ???
    light/heavy ???
    dumb/smart ???
    etc ???
    etc ???
    etc ???

  9. How many more votes are expected to be tallied? I assume this is a very safe Democratic district.

  10. I’m not sure you can consider Mike the Mover aka Uncle Mover a Republican candidate. He was listed on the ballot as “Prefers MODERATE GOP Party.” (emphasis added). The Republican Party of Washington did not support a candidate and several Republican leaning webpages actively discouraged voters from backing him.

  11. JR, just because there are female candidates doesn’t mean there will be the gender unity to elect them.

    Look at 2016 where we had Hillary, Trump, Johnson and Stein.

    None of the females were able to pair up with a winning team and the attraction to the 100% was not sought by them.

    Those four only tried to divide and they got nothing done to improve elections for our opposite gender.

    The United Coalition USA will change that and we will try to find an acceptable POTUS candidate(s) with whom many all candidates of opposite gender will vie to be their VP.

    Not like 2016 because we are working for full unity, 100% support, across party lines (and independents) and across genders.

    As a registered Green Party candidate categorized as One Party, I will try to bring the Green Party, while resting my label “One”.

    Unlike any team we’ve seen from the current party bosses, establishment and status quo, we will try to united everyone and we will use paper ballots, to be cast and counted on Earth Day (April 20th?) 2020.

    Sign up and join the team in political or business capacity here:

  12. DR, you may still vote for whom you wish, but should 33.33% (plus one vote) rank a female name then under pure proportional representation she would be guaranteed to be elected President or Vice President.

    This is a national district, the only at-large district in the USA, so based on the numerals under pure proportional representation, the United Coalition can guarantee a female on the team.

    Our message is designed for attracting the 100% and we don’t know who the candidates will be, which ones will be team players, likely over 500 POTUS campaigns in 2020.

    That’s why we start now but it’s voluntary and you are not required to vote for our opposite gender, but asked to consider that, with consecutively alternating genders thereafter (for all random elected offices).

    The One Party team is going ahead now and we want to unite with more vote counters, paper ballots, Earth Day 2020.

  13. James: Did you forget that Hillary Clinton had a male running mate for VP (Tim Kaine)? Jill Stein also had a male running mate (Ajamu Baraka).

  14. Michelle Darnell beat a Democrat in a 2017 special election primary to advance to the general election. Steve Nielson won a contested primary in 2014. This will be the 3rd time that a WA State Libertarians has advanced out of a Top Two primary.

  15. Steve Nielson in 2014 was on the ballot for State Rep, district 2-2. Three candidates were on the ballot. Nielson was listed as a Libertarian, J. T. Wilcox was listed as a Republican, and Rick Payne was listed as “Prefers Marijuana Party.”

    When generalizations are made, there must be an objective standard. Washington state doesn’t have registration by party. Anyone can assert that Wilcox was a “Democrat”, but his ballot label was “Marijuana”, so it isn’t objectively true that Nielson placed ahead of a “Democrat.”

  16. Michell Darnell in the November 2017 special election for State Senate, 48th district, did not have a Republican opponent. There were two Democrats and a Libertarian. So, again, the situation now in the 2nd district US House race is unique, if the Libertarian lead holds.

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