538.Com Asks if Gary Johnson Could Conceivably be Elected to the U.S. Senate This Year

538.com has a story on Gary Johnson and discusses the possibility that he could be elected to the U.S. Senate as a Libertarian from New Mexico this year. The story also lists all the other Libertarian nominees for President, Governor, and U.S. Senator who have polled as much as 9%.


538.Com Asks if Gary Johnson Could Conceivably be Elected to the U.S. Senate This Year — 8 Comments

  1. The more minority rule hacks in all regimes =

    the quicker Civil W-A-R II starts.

    PR and AppV

  2. There is a good chance that Johnson will out poll Rich but winning is probably a stretch.

  3. ANY body on this list running for ANY office ???

    At least some practice in dealing with juveniles (and even thugs – domestic and foreign) in meetings and debates.

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