Florida Lawsuit Over Spanish-Language Ballots in 32 More Counties Will be Heard September 5

On August 16, some Florida voters who speak Spanish but not English sued Florida election officials in 32 counties, seeking bilingual ballots for the November 2018 election. Rivera Madera v Detzner, n.d., 1:18cv-152. Already, thirteen other Florida counties already use bilingual ballots. A hearing will be held on September 5, Wednesday, in Tallahassee.


Florida Lawsuit Over Spanish-Language Ballots in 32 More Counties Will be Heard September 5 — 9 Comments

  1. One more step to 1914 Balkans type stuff ??? —

    ie Civil WAR between Non-Hispanic (aka English) whites, Hispanic whites and blacks

    — in 1 or more States — FL, TX, CA, etc. ???

    Stay tuned. NO limit on the MORONS in high places.

    PR and AppV

  2. The suit is based on a provision of the VRA that says you can’t deny the right to vote to someone because they were educated in a language other than English in an USA-flag school. The provision was apparently put in place when there were literacy requirements to vote, which might include graduation from high school, but exclude those who graduated in Puerto Rico.

    This is separate from the requirement that foreign-language ballots be provided when there are a significant number of adults who are not proficient in English, and which covers the current 13 counties in Florida.

  3. Jim, If you’re trying to say that there are people who are born in the USA and are raised and grow up here, but do not learn our language because they stay in an isolated community, thus should be allowed specially printed ballots when they vote, then I say, “Houston, we have a problem.” As I’m sure you know, proficiency in the English language, both written and oral, is a requirement of the US Citizenship test. Thus, assimilation is a requirement for naturalization. And that is federal which will trump any state laws.

  4. @Jeff Becker,

    The plaintiffs grew up in Puerto Rico, and are USA citizens. Spanish was the language of their education.

  5. NONSTOP Elector definition problem since 4 July 1776.

    Amendment 15

    The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

    The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. 

    ZERO mention of *language* in the 15 Amdt.

    NONSTOP perversions of 15 AMDT since 1965 Voting Rights Act.

    15 Amdt happened in Jan-Feb 1869 lame duck gerrymander Congress after Prez US Grant barely got elected in Nov 1868

    — in some NORTHERN States having numbers of black males Ex-Civil War Union Army/Navy vets.

    15 Am, Sec. 1 text obviously modified from 14-2.

    Too many MORON/corrupt lawyer and SCOTUS HACKS to count — 1965-2018.

    15 Amdt was instantly made useless in many States via literacy tests, taxpayer, property owner, etc. machinations regarding definition of Elector in many States, N S E W.

    Const Amdt — positive Uniform definition of Elector in ALL of the USA

    — USA Citizen and 18 plus — NO mental machination, NO crime machination.

    Repeal all the negative stuff.

    PR and Appv

  6. If you go to the Walmart pharmacy, they have a phone where you can call and get get a translator for more than 200 languages at no additional cost.

    The free market solved this problem, why can’t the government?

    Just have a large stack of pre-printed English ballots, a lesser number of Spanish pre-printed ballots, and then print ballots for any other language on demand right there at the polling location.

  7. @Jim,

    Walmart presumably provides that service because it gives them a competitive advantage. Pharmacy customers may be inclined to purchase other products at Walmart.

    The problem is that government has a monopoly on its business. If there were no taxes, there would be no government. Private businesses would likely provide services such as security, fire protection, water, educations, etc.

  8. J.R.

    Looks like utopian NO government.

    How organized would killers/looters become ???

    See olde tribal HUNS, MONGOLS, etc.

  9. Ancient Greeks noted the choices —

    1. anarchy — Utopian NO government
    2. unanimity – Utopian ALL agree ALL the time.

    3. Democracy – majority rule
    4. oligarchy – minority rule, by 2 or more
    5. monarchy – minority rule, by 1

    MOST of rotted world history = 4 or 5 machinations

    All monarchy regimes are oligarchy regimes since the top monster needs help in its monster schemes
    — see Stalin and Hitler regimes.

    Thus 3 Democracy via PR vs the other stuff.

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