Los Alamos Monitor Lengthy Story on New Mexico Straight-Ticket Controversy

The Los Alamos Monitor has this lengthy story about the New Mexico straight-ticket device controversy. Toward the end of the article, the story quotes New Mexico Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver as saying she researched the matter, and learned that the Michigan Supreme Court ordered the Michigan Secretary of State to put the device on the ballot. This is not true. A single U.S. District Court judge made that decision in Michigan, and the state is appealing.


Los Alamos Monitor Lengthy Story on New Mexico Straight-Ticket Controversy — 7 Comments

  1. NM SOS HACK — one more legal MORON or what ???

    Too many HACK legal MORONS (esp regarding Election LAW) to count or what ???

  2. How will voters know that they can override the straight-ticket box on individual races?

    How will voters know that it does not apply to nonpartisan races, ballot issues, and judicial retention elections?

    How will a voter affirmatively indicate they do not want to vote for a particular office?

    How much has the Secretary of State budgeted for educational efforts?

    What communication has Toulouse Oliver or the office of Secretary of State had regarding this issue the previous two years?

    How will vote-counting machines be programmed to properly count the votes? Does anyone in New Mexico remember what happened in 2000?

    Why was the law repealed in 2001?

    If ballots are hand counted, how will election officials know how to correctly count the ballot?

    How will voters be protected from corrupt election officials marking the races they skipped for the other party? In Texas, long-time Republican activists recalled being told to mark all races because Democrats would override the straight-ticket vote. Buck Woods, a Democrat election voter has said that some

  3. JR — cut off by TX Donkey vote felons ???

    How many of them ???

    Revive the 1865 Union Army and liberate TX — AND NM ???

  4. Reminder –

    the ENTIRE FL regime of MORONS had NO definition of a ***LEGAL*** vote in 2000 in the Bush v Gore super-mess.

    See 2002 HAVA USA law — since some USA offices are on 2018 NM ballots.

    Same SUPER-idiot mess NOW in NM ???

    Enough USA Marshals in NM and nearby States (each with an USA posse) to arrest ALL of the NM MORONS —

    esp. the NM SOS FIRST — live on TV ???

  5. Our team supported our man Gary Johnson whom Richard Winger spoke out for at the California LP convention in 2012 when the United Coalition USA team attended and spoke.

    Now it’s time to watch Johnson, the self proclaimed “answer to the two-party system” to have a chance to show is answer for a third time after two national campaigns for President.

    His campaign, with the repeated opportunities for cooperation with Jill Stein, the many allies he attracted over the years, it is time to show how that was a wise path, the rewards and the teamwork that the United Coalition showed in 2012. Our candidates both male and female, did not speak on the same stage with Johnson when we were candidates even when winning 52.7% of the insider votes, while Johnson was an outsider Republican.

    His answer to the two-party system should be popularised by his supporters more, and perhaps applied ad a model in New Mexico. Gary Johnson is a member of the United Coalition USA and our ballot preparers and legal team look forward to working with him in the future on big civil rights issues.

  6. Roseanne Barr [Green Tea] is no longer a member of the United Coalition, she quit and asked her name removed, back in 2012.

    So we are not bringing her and she is no longer a threat. Everything better now.

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