North Carolina Plaintiffs Who Attacked the Partisan U.S. House Gerrymander Ask Court Not to Redraw Districts Until After 2018

On August 31, the plaintiffs who sued North Carolina over the U.S. House redistricting plan asked the court not to change the old unconstitutional districts until after the 2018 election is over. See their document here in Common Cause v Rucho. Thanks to Rick Hasen for the link. The plaintiffs also ask the court to appoint a special master to draw new districts for 2020.


North Carolina Plaintiffs Who Attacked the Partisan U.S. House Gerrymander Ask Court Not to Redraw Districts Until After 2018 — 3 Comments



    Proper Remedy – NOT hold the coming UN-constitutional NOV 2018 election.

    REQUIRE new special election early in 2019 for remaining 2019-2020 terms.

    Too many brainless, extremely stupid and dangerous HACKS in ALL gerrymander cases to count

    — so-called lawyers – all sides, amicus super-moron profs, worse judges – all courts – esp SCOTUS.
    UNCONSTITUTIONAL stuff (esp. relating to elections)

    = CRISIS remedies

    — to stop the HACKS from TOTAL DESTRUCTION of Constitutions.

    See the KILLER MONSTER Hitler in 1933-1934

    — de facto destruction of 1919 Germany Constitution and 1919 WW I Peace Treaty

    — too many HACK super-morons in the UK and France to count in 1919-1939

    >>> about 70 MILLION DEAD in 1939-1945 — WW II.

    Potential now-

    ALL humans on Mother Earth may get killed — about 8 BILLION.

  2. I can understand that there are some time constraints now but these constraints were caused by the State fighting the original decision. Now the State gets away with its Gerrymander for yet another election. Sad!

  3. @Gene,

    You don’t believe that the state has a right of appeal when faced with a novel argument that the SCOTUS has never considered before?

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