Pennsylvania currently has closed primaries. On September 13, State Senator Joe Scarnati, the leader of the Republican Party in the Pennsylvania Senate, introduced SB 1234. It would permit independent voters to choose any primary ballot they wish. Here is the text. The bill has nine co-sponsors. It is being introduced very late in the legislative session.
NO primaries — only producing robot party HACK MONSTERS in gerrymander districts.
PR and AppV
Repeat yourself much? You and Ogle need a new routine.
Almost ALL of BAN stories are repeat variations of —
1. Minority rule legis machinations — esp. including UNEQUAL ballot access laws and gerrymanders
2, Party HACK exec/judic machinations — many involving such UNEQUAL ballot access laws and gerrymanders.
3. Periodic newbees on this list who are unaware of the total ROT in the USA – due to 1 and 2.
PR and AppV
Also have to ignore the Donkey / Elephant / foreign Enemy agents / spies / trolls / brainwashed juveniles on this list
who automatically attack all reforms regarding the TOTAL monarch/oligarch tyrant ROT now in the USA.
IMO. each party should decide for itself whether or not to accept primary votes from independent voters, or even from voters from other parties.
Primaries —
ALL or some PUBLIC Electors/Voters doing PUBLIC nominations of PUBLIC candidates for PUBLIC offices.
See the 2 Texas White Primary cases — circa 1928-1932
The parties should pay for their one nomination process.