North Carolina Independent Applicant for a Board of Elections Position Tries to Move Case Forward

In 2017, an independent resident of North Carolina, Michael Crowell, filed a federal lawsuit against the law that said only Democrats and Republicans could ever serve on the State Board of Elections, or a county board of elections. The case has been on hold for over a year, because the state policy keeps changing. A new proposal to include one person on the state board who is not a member of either party was passed by the legislature, but then declared unconstitutional on separation of powers grounds.

On October 15, Crowell asked the court to let the case go forward now. He asserts that even if North Carolina ends up allowing a single non-major party member to serve, that is still not constitutionally sufficient. Here is his brief, which has a useful summary of all the action in state court over the makeup of the State Board.


North Carolina Independent Applicant for a Board of Elections Position Tries to Move Case Forward — 7 Comments

  1. The HACKS get past yet another election

    — due to the nearly useless courts

    — who are paralyzed in election cases

    — regardless of nonstop CONSTITUTION violations.

  2. I am waiting for a post about the horrible ballot initiatives in Michigan. The Democrats are pushing them and one of them is to create a redistricting commission with an equal number of Republicans and Democrats, along with some independents. Since we don’t have registration by party in Michigan, this system seems designed to be gamed. The other proposal has some good things, but brings back straight ticket voting, which hurts independents.

  3. The United Coalition USA has been using parliamentary procedures under pure proportional representation (PPR) for more than twenty-three consecutive years and PPR works fine to unite our team to accomplish modest goals.

    When She Hutchinson, Reagan’s campaign manager in 1984, joined Clint Eastwood for mayor of Carmel campaign in 1986, she and Clint held tea parties around Carmel which I attended with Clint.

    But our team’s mayor candidate was Tim Grady [Environmentalist] and not Clint and then we began bringing pure proportional representation along with unity among Tea Parties in the 1992.

    The unity has been brought by our coalition successfully for more than twenty-three consecutive years but Google and the party bosses didn’t want anyone to know.

    That’s because in pluralistic elections everyone expects fighting between candidates like Jill Stein and Gary Johnson brought in 2012 and 2016.

    Now there’s a new unity phenema sweeping the world and the juice is the mechanics of the PPR voting system which brings rewards and votes for collaboration and teamwork.

    But the party bosses didn’t want the unity, they didn’t want equal treatment and equal free speech time for our team and so they snuffed the unity out at every turn.

    Despite them the United Coalition USA continues to go forward in small increments and we are building the PPR Electoral College for the future.

    When our team keeps our nose to the ground and keeps practicing PPR over and over again we demonstrate the correct path and the long range picture is bright.

  4. Along with 14-1 EPC violation there is also NO Title of Nobility violations

    — NO special rights/powers for special classes.

    One of the most *radical* NO things in world history in 1787.

  5. States with bipartisan election boards have set a trap for themselves. Because the members are expected to be partisan more partisan members are appointed and each side is expected less willing to appoint someone who might work with the other side.

  6. Nonpartisan exec/judic officials.

    Difficult only for robot partisan HACKS from hell — of which there are many

    — who love partisan laws with selective partisan law enforcement

    — aka purges of partisan enemies.

    Gee – nothing new in 6,000 plus years or what ???

    PR and AppV

  7. MV-

    The RED communist Donkeys are in ALL States trying to copy the CA gerrymander commission scheme.

    Various undercover RED communist Donkey agents/spies LIED and claimed to be independents to get on the commission.

    Result – Rigged packed/cracked CA gerrymander districts FOREVER.

    — esp. regarding the CA state Senate [4 year terms] — 2 years of ZERO representation for many Elephant areas.

    PR and AppV

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