Pennsylvania State Legislator is Unopposed for Re-Election, Despite Felony Conviction Last Week

On October 31, Pennsylvania State Representative Vanessa Brown (D-Philadelphia) was convicted of six counts of bribery. However, she is on the ballot unopposed as a candidate for re-election. See this News Growl story.


Pennsylvania State Legislator is Unopposed for Re-Election, Despite Felony Conviction Last Week — 5 Comments

  1. Instant qualified candidate to be Speaker/Leader of the RED communist Donkeys in PA ???

    — esp if put in a Fed jail.

  2. Yeah Sure. Perhaps it was an identical twin from NY State ???

    Small armies of Feds agents [aka FBI] going after State/Local HACKS

    — since much Fed Aid is involved often — esp. in pay to play govt contract schemes.

    Any BRIBES Bank for felons ???

    State/local cops useless.

    Probably too many State/local felons to count — NOT enough FBI agents.

    ALL part of the gerrymander oligarchs at work.

  3. At least you can be assured that if you donate to State Representative Brown you will get your money’s worth.

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