U.S. District Court Approves Letting Six Plaintiffs in North Dakota Vote

On November 2, a U.S. District Court in North Dakota issued this 3-page Joint Stipulation, letting the six plaintiffs in Spirit Lake Tribe v Jaeger cast a vote tomorrow. The state requires photo voter ID that includes a street address, but the plaintiffs in this case didn’t have a street address, or at least didn’t have a street address that everyone agreed was correct. This is a common problem in North Dakota on reservations.


U.S. District Court Approves Letting Six Plaintiffs in North Dakota Vote — 6 Comments

  1. Does each American Indian involved have a bed[roll] and ANY personal property ANY where in ND ???

    Do ANY of them have ANY connections to ANY body — via snail mail, checking accounts, credit cards, etc. ???

    Do ANY of them somehow get ANY bills – tax bills, utility bills, junk ads, etc. ???

    ANY Teepees still around ???

    Another fine example of the EVIL ROTTED treatment of American Indians by the EVIL ROTTED USA gerrymander regime since 1789 ??? — genocidal up to about 1890.

  2. North Dakota does not have voter registration. In the past it relied on small election precincts so that it could easily be determined whether a voter resided in the precinct. Earlier in the decade North Dakota passed a law requiring an ID that included a current residential address. Native American plaintiffs sued, with such difficulties of having an expired drivers license with a non-current residence or a tribal ID without an address. After a temporary injunction was granted, North Dakota passed a new law which permitted voters to providing corroborating information such as a utility bill with a residential address. It also provided a system of provisional ballots.

    This was partially enjoined, with a district court adding a provision that a mailing address could also be used (e.g. a PO address).

    The 8th Circuit stayed this portion, since none of the original plaintiffs did not have a residential address. The new plaintiffs claim not to have a street address, or the street address associated with their ID is not where they reside. The stipulation is a way of providing corroboration of where they reside.

    The notion that there are not street addresses everywhere may be outdated. Enhanced 911 requires complete addressing. This permits conversion of GPS coordinates into street addresses. Vermont has standards for numbering all roads, inluding private roads and streets in a systematic way, and requires coordination with USPS, so that mailing addresses match e911 addresses. In other states, it appears that counties are doing the renumbering as they adopt e911. There might also be instances where vendors impose standards as they implement a system.

  3. ND — one of the about 15 SMALL pop States used to rig the USA Senate with more Elephant HACKS in 1861-1960.

    Abolish the USA Senate asap.

    END the 2 house FIXATION from Hell.

    PR and AppV.

  4. Why not just scan finger prints or irises at registration, and have a reader to confirm the registration of the voter on election day? I-phones are able to do this now; no need to invest in expensive new equipment. No need for IDs or addresses.

  5. Addresses needed for precinct boundaries — different election areas.

    See the 1984 book. See Revelation chapter in that olde book — for ID and CONTROL.

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