Student Newspaper at College in Greensboro, North Carolina, Carries Clear and Simple Explanation of Role of Minor Parties

Janavi Mehta, a writer for the student newspaper The Guilfordian, at Guilford College, Greensboro, North Carolina, has a strikingly clear and concise column explaining the role of minor parties in the U.S. Thanks to Ken Bush for the link.


Student Newspaper at College in Greensboro, North Carolina, Carries Clear and Simple Explanation of Role of Minor Parties — 5 Comments

  1. It’s same old story every year “this year third parties are big”.

    Please. Another division message, us against them, try 100% unity as a message and we get a positive unifying message.

    Single winner districts is the reason for a two-party system (split vote problem sometimes does elect the minority or 2nd biggest).

    Some single-winner districts have civil rights issues due to voluntary segregation.

    Advanced voting like IRV or Approval will guarantee a one-party system because there are no random wins, or far fewer, due to no split vote problem (but other strategies and problems in approval and score still exist to lessor degree than split vote problems, still no good because single-winner district prohibit 50/50 with gender balance).

    The civil rights issues are worse under advanced voting in single-winner districts because there is no random wins from split vote problems.

    No single winner district election is acceptable.

  2. JO[O] is correct – the “3rd parties are up and coming” meme is just ignorant drivel.

    The article is written by an obviously naive person who hasn’t a clue about why elections in the USA cause the same results for decade after decade. I forecast major disillusionment by the author in 20 years or so when reality sets in.

  3. Don Wills. I have supported 3rd parties for the past 38 years. The author of this article mirrors my own thinking. I have not become disillusioned over the years. I was just as excited to vote 3rd party this year as I was in 1980.

  4. Hey, give the kid (student) a break! How refreshing to at least have a young reporter recognizing that this past election was not a mere routine two-party affair.
    In fact, she had lots of good observations about minor-party and independent candidates worth and struggles. In a nation mired in two-party duopoly hers was an uplifting note. Hope springs eternal.

  5. How many so-called [tidal] *wave* [minority rule gerrymander] elections in the USA since 1788 ???

    esp since 1994 ???

    Too many gerrymander math MORONS to count

    — young or old media folks, many know-it-all ignorants on this list, lots more all over Mother Earth.

    ALL the districts are RIGGED

    — some sort of REAL elections [choices] only with major CRISIS due to STATISM —

    1800, 1832, 1860, 1864, 1932, 1964, 1994, 2008, ???? next.

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