Complaint Filed Against Non-Profit Organizations that Sponsored Ohio Candidate Debates and Had No Objective Criteria for Inclusion

On December 7, an attorney representing the Ohio Libertarian and Green Parties filed complaints with the IRS against two 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations, the Cleveland City Club and the University of Dayton.  The University of Dayton is a private Roman Catholic University.  Organizations with 501(c)(3) status are not permitted to sponsor candidate debates if there are no objective criteria for determining who should be invited, and in the three Ohio gubernatorial general election debates of 2018, these sponsors issued no objective criteria.  They could have had objective criteria that would have resulted in the same outcome (only the Republican and Democratic nominees might have met the criteria), but they didn’t even bother to do set criteria.  Furthermore, they invited the Republican and Democratic nominees and didn’t even reveal this to the Green and Libertarian nominees.


Complaint Filed Against Non-Profit Organizations that Sponsored Ohio Candidate Debates and Had No Objective Criteria for Inclusion — 7 Comments

  1. Subvert 1 Amdt via 501(c)(3) status ???

    IE – have NO constitutional *rights* via tax status ???

  2. The California Libertarian Party bosses are already signalling a willingness to snuff nominee Heather Horst [Libertarian] for President.

    The executive has released a facebook poll with thirteen nominees weeks after we announced Horst’s filing of Form 2 with FEC on the same facebook page.

    They list candidates who haven’t filed but they are blocking the only female candidate of seventeen who was announced in their group, of the LP POTUS candidates who have filed.

    We have read the they view is men supporting our opposite gender as “poison”, while we are bringing equal treatment and teamwork.

    We are interested in promoting the teamwork and collaboration but instead we’re being censored from the party bosses own poll.

  3. Geez… Demo Rep talks in riddles and incomplete sentences and Ogle just talks CRAZY!

  4. Never any shortage of *style* critics — with their NON-factual / NON-legal election related comments.

    PR and AppV — regardless of A-L-L MORON critics.

  5. I believe Heather Horst is related to the imaginary 6 foot tall rabbit in the Jimmy Stewart movie.

  6. The California Libertarian facebook page uses the AppV poll.

    There is now a 2nd female Libertarian for President, Kim Ruff [Libertarian] and she is announcing her VP already.

    The United Coalition USA will be electing President and Vice President.

    We have several good female candidates from both Green and Libertarian parties, and we’re asking men to please consider our team by ranking our opposite gender ahead of our own, with consecutively ranked alternating genders thereafter.

    The Green Party already has two or three women running for POTUS including Marvel actress Jennifer Walters [Green] who we want to bring, to debate her VP choice who is Frog-Man.

    The Libertarian facebook poll nor the national Libertarian Party can bring consecutively ranked alternating gender because they use AppV with uses “Xs”.

    In addition, you can click on many choices so the numbers of votes on each ballots increases.

    With PPR, we use numerals but each paper ballot is only one vote, but can be transferred as a single vote.

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