First Circuit Won’t Block Maine Election Returns Certification

On Friday, December 21, the First Circuit denied a request by outgoing Maine Congressman Bruce Poliquin to block the Secretary of State from certifying the election returns in the U.S. House, 2nd district, race. Baber v Dunlap, 18-2250.

This does not mean that the case is over, but the judges said the case does not have a strong likelihood of success. The case challenges the use of ranked choice voting in federal elections. The three judges were Juan Torruella (a Reagan appointee), and two Obama appointees, O. Rogeriee Thompson and David J. Barron.


First Circuit Won’t Block Maine Election Returns Certification — 12 Comments

  1. As long as ranked choice voting is used in single winner districts like CoFOE, the Green Party bosses supported in SF and those which the United Coalition USA had opposed since 1992, these election districts will be a one-party district, and no 2nd, 3rd party or independent, will ever win the district.

    The United Coalition USA has been using ranked choice voting correctly, Greens, Libertarians, individuals from all parties and independents under pure proportional representation (PPR) for more than twenty-three consecutive years and PPR works best.

    But the party bosses do their best to make sure you don’t know.

    Go Herd/Ogle [Libertarian/One]
    Bring the herd in 2020

  2. Does the ballot used in Maine comply with the statute.

    The statute says that a “ranking” is a number placed next to a candidate’s name. If there are five bubbles, and the third is filled in, is that a “3” or a binary “00100”?

    The ballot is also supposed to be “simple”.

    With four candidates,there are 65 permutations possible:

    24 ranking all four candidateso;
    24 ranking three candidates;
    12 ranking two candidates;
    4 ranking one candidate; and
    1 ranking no candidates.

    Yet there were over 1500 bubble permutations

    Did the SOS consult with any human factors experts, or did he only consult with vendors trying to sell hum equipment, who assured him that most Mainers were machine-compatible, and if not, that could be fixed with a firmware update.

  3. FACTORIAL math — symbol ! — exclam point

    N choices to rank —

    N ! + N-1 ! + N-2 ! + N-3 ! + etc etc etc

    See *exhausted* ballots in Cambridge, MA elections.
    which is why —

    PR (with public pre-election candidate rank order lists of other candidates) and AppV

    — pending Condorcet — with all mail ballots.

  4. Under RCV, each ballot is one vote, so it matters not how many choices are marked.

    Of course we can see a spoiled ballot rate of around 5%, because every marked ballot must be done correctly for the results to match when more than one set of the correctly ranked stack is counted before all those welcomed to observe.

  5. @DR,

    Back to Probability 101 for you.

    The number of permutations of N things taken M at a time is:

    N! / (N-M)!

    For N=4 and M=4, 4!/0! = 24 (that is, all four candidates are ranked)

    For N=4 and M=0, 4!/4! = 1 (there is only way to rank none of the candidates.

    Have you the games played by the above-the-line rankings for the Australian senate?

  6. @joogle,

    In your alternative universe, could I rank

    Sue 1st and 5th
    Bob 2nd and 4th
    Mary 3rd?

  7. Reverse the math
    5 choices —
    vote 1 — 5 options
    vote 2 — 5×4 = 20
    vote 3 — 5x4x3= 60
    vote 4 — 5x4x3x2 = 120
    [[vote 5 — 5x4x3x2x1 = 120 = vote 4]]

    5+20+60+120 = 205 combos.

    Another reason to have each legis body candidate have ONE rank order list of other candidates – public / pre-election day.

    Voter votes for ONE legis body candidate.

    Reality – only the marginal seats would matter- between marginal coalition parties –

    Donkeys/Greens, Elephants/LPs, etc.

    Larger factions in larger parties would separate — Sane Donkeys vs Insane CONTROL FREAK Donkeys [see coming USA H Reps 3 Jan 2019], etc.

    PR and AppV — pending Condorcet combo math — with limited number of choices — perhaps via AppV

    — with all mail ballots — Oregon Survives.

  8. The United Coalition USA has been using the Droop Quota since 1992 when our first campaign for Santa Cruz City Council California had been launched by the Environmentalist, Green, Peace and Freedom and Democratic Parties.

    Droop Quota = (Total Votes/Total Seats + 1) + 1

    Droop quota works fine.

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