Some Utah Cities Will Use Ranked Choice Voting in 2019

A new Utah law permits cities to use Ranked Choice Voting for elections for city office, starting in 2019. According to this news story, several cities have indicated they want to do that, on a trial basis.


Some Utah Cities Will Use Ranked Choice Voting in 2019 — 2 Comments

  1. Us men are bringing our opposite gender ahead of our own. Please, no more single winner districts especially those using RCV which brings the one-party system (also a bad civil rights issue especially in areas voluntarily segregated, the single winner districts may continue to bring chauvinistic, conciepted ego-maniacs, blocking women for POTUS for 250+ years, because now we have a new humble message to unite 33.33% (plus one vote) and bring the first woman, or women for both Prez and VP, and to put an end to the 100% male tradition for POTUS in 2020, with the possibility of female Libertarian(s).

    Only multiple winner districts are acceptable everywhere, we at the United Coalition USA are trying to make things right by demonstrating the correct way for twenty-three consecutive years and the party bosses are doing that wrong and sniffing our team out at every chance.

    Let the voters decide under pure proporional representation, the only way to change things for the whole, is to unite all men, and thus earn all women’s votes too, by demonstrating good teamwork and not the same rhetoric for more males, which degrades women’s status below that of men.

    Go Herd/Ogle [Libertarian/One] 2020

  2. Condorcet- Number voting correctly done

    — will take SOME education

    — see top Maine math morons

    — esp the math MORON Guv.

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