The Ventura County Reporter has this interview with Steve Frank, one of the candidates for state chair of the California Republican Party. Frank strongly criticizes the top-two system in this interview. The California Republican Party state convention will be in Sacramento February 22-24.
How DEAD are the CA Elephants — in the CA soviet socialist republic — CASSOR ???
How many top 2 primary *moderates* are in the gerrymander CA legislature or the gerrymander USA Congress ??? HA HA – political joke of the Century.
PR and AppV
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Abel Maldanado put top two primary on the ballot because they thought it would be advantageous to the California republican party.
I first met Steve Frank at LA City College as a student circa 1965. I too agree that ending top two would be a good thing .
One think would be a good idea after Frank wins is sit down with him to see if AIP and the GOP come to an agreement on the 2020 Presidental Electors for the
Ticket of Trump Pence as a split of electors.
Vice Chairman, American Indepentant Party