Illinois Bill to Improve Ballot Access

Senator Andy Manar (D-Bunker Hill) has introduced SB 141, which would lower the number of signatures needed for independent candidates, and the nominees of unqualified parties. It would change the statewide requirement from 25,000 to 5,000. It would change the district and partisan county offices from 5% of the last vote cast, to the number that a member of the largest party in that district needs to get on the primary ballot.

For U.S. House, in the typical district, that would be slightly less than 1,000 signatures.

Somewhat similar bills have been introduced in the past in Illinois and didn’t pass, but they were sponsored by Republicans. This is the first such bill to have a Democratic sponsor. Illinois Democrats are the majority in each house of the legislature, and Illinois has a Democratic governor. Thanks to Sam Cahnman for the news about the bill.


Illinois Bill to Improve Ballot Access — 3 Comments

  1. Any TOP SECRET orders from Devil City Donkey/Elephant HQ to wipe out ALL minor parties and independents —

    at least for USA offices ???

    — so that the USA gerrymander regime can make the States totally useless/irrelevant

    — the nonstop trend since 1929.

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