
William Weld Changes his Registration from Libertarian to Republican — 21 Comments

  1. Yes, in response to a question from the audience at the national convention in 2016, he said he would never change his registration away from the Libertarian Party.

  2. The United Coalition USA has the Unity Platform item approved “Opposite gender #1, with consecutively ranked alternating genders thereafter”, and so to bring the three-party system into Presidential elections.

    We’re going to bring the first women, if we can unite across little more than 66.66%, of all US male voters , for #1 and #2 after the electors vote.

    To elect 538 Electors under PPR the guaranteed voter satisfaction level, is more than 99.8% of all US voters.

    Then after we pick a Presidential candidate, should us men nominate a women, we must then pick someone completely different and from another political party so to bring the 2nd affiliated party of three for a three-party system.

    The third name for the three-party system will be the first consecutively ranked name as back-up in case of resignation or death of #1 or #2, the 3rd name being from any party/category as we try to bring good names.

    The guaranteed voter satisfaction level will be 66.66% (plus two votes) of the 538 Electors under the pure proportional representation (PPR) Electoral College and there will be no limits on the numbers of candidates for #1 and #2.

    Equal treatment and speaking time for all qualified candidates must be protected including Ds and Rs who will be working together with our team by demonstrating teamwork so to attract votes.

    To seal the unity we must bring President and Vice President from two different political parties in order to bring the three-party system.

    The United Coalition USA has been bringing pure proportional representation (PPR) and unity amongst us seeking full representation, competitive, fair elections with unbiased math, equal time and equal treatmment correctly for more than twenty-four consecutive years and PPR works fine.

  3. If Bill Weld was an actual freedom fighter, I’d support him, but reality is that he is not. Bill Weld is a lying, corrupt shill for the ruling establishment. The fact that he’s a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and a crony of Mitt Romney, the Bush family,
    and the Clinton family, should have made this blatantly apparent to all. He never gave a damn about the Libertarian Party, or liberty in general. He’s a sociopath.

  4. Does this mean he will have a more difficult time acquiring the LP presidential nomination?

  5. From the article: “The downside for Weld is he left the party and party voters, whether a Republican or Democrat, don’t look too kindly on someone who leaves the party and comes back.” – Jennifer Nassour, former Chair of the Massachusetts Republican Party


    July 1987 – October 1999 Republican (talked about running for President as a Republican in 1988)

    October 1999 – August 2001 Independence Party of New York (affiliate of the Reform Party, sought the Reform Party nomination for President)

    August 2001 – September 2009 Democrat

    September 2009 – December 2011 Republican

    December 2011 – April 2012 unaffiliated (Threatened an independent bid for President if Romney failed to get the Republican nomination)

    April 2012 – Present Republican (Nominated by the Republican Party in 2016)

  6. Turn that into a positive for the team by protecting our liberties on the team. The United Coalition USA has been using team psychology under pure proportional representation and that’s been a much more efficient use of our time. Worry, yes, but do your own job right first, forget about what the other team is doing.

    This is two-party Vs three-party and the three-party system is what America wants not so much to hear more crying about two-party plurality voting.

    The three-party system has work to do.

  7. Weld recently expressed interest in challenging Trump in the 2020 primaries, as such this is a clear sign that he is moving forward with actually doing so.

  8. It’s looks like the Libertarian Party nomination contest is going to be fun, after all.

  9. Prez winner in 2020 — under 40 percent of popular vote ???

    See Lincoln 1860 >>> Civil WAR I.

  10. I am sorry to hear that. I had hoped Weld was telling the truth about remaining with the Libertarian party.

  11. Demo Rep from your keyboard to God’s ear. I have long hoped that the United States will come to an end and be replaced by several independent countries. If the 2020 election triggers another Civil War I will be happy.

  12. Will RKS and other list posters be victims of any Civil WAR II ???

    Weapons now about a mere MILLION times more destructive than in 1861-1865 ???

    Pacific coast – west Miss. River – east Miss. River – Atlantic coast ???

  13. Demo Rep I would consider myself a willing participant of Civil War II instead of a victim. “The tree of liberty must from time to time be refreshed by the blood of patriots and tyrants”. The wrong side won the last Civil War, hopeful that mistake won’t happen again.

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