New York Bill Depriving Independence Party of its Name Passes Assembly Committee

On January 28, New York Assembly Bill 2600 passed the Assembly Election Law Committee by a vote of 10-5. All Democrats except one voted for the bill. All Republicans voted against it. It would provide that no party could have the words “Independence” or “Independent” in its name.

Democrats who voted for the bill are Charles Lavine, Sandy Galef, Jeffrey Dinowitz, Joseph Lentol, Barbara Lifton, Latrice Walker, Robert Carroll, Al Taylor, Jonathan Jacobson, and Anthony D’Urso. The Democrat who voted “no” is David Buchwald.

Republicans who voted against the bill are Michael Norris, Karl Brabenec, John Mikulin, and Chris Tague.

An identical bill in the Senate, S1628, has not yet moved.

It is somewhat likely that if this bill were signed into law, it would be held unconstitutional, under both First Amendment and Due Process grounds. The Independence Party has been a ballot-qualified party since November 1994.


New York Bill Depriving Independence Party of its Name Passes Assembly Committee — 7 Comments

  1. How come ALL names in the NY Soviet Socialist Republic are not banned/purged — except RED DONKEY COMMUNIST ???

    NY — one more State needing liberation via a new Union Army.

  2. It would seem to me that no law could “ex post facto” deprive an organization of any name that it had lawfully held for over 20 years!

  3. Ironically, New York city resident William Randolph Hearst started a national party called the Independence Party in 1908 (this was before he moved to California). It was on the ballot under that name, or “Independence League”, in Alabama, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming. It was on as Scales of Justice in South Dakota. Its presidential candidate had the ballot label “independent” in Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, and Utah. He had the label “Hisgen Independent” in Washington. At the time, Georgia and South Carolina didn’t have government-printed ballots. So a majority of the 46 states let him called his party “Independence” or “Independence League.”

  4. Likely intended as revenge for the IP’s maximum leader mostly supporting Republicans in the recent elections for state senate, which Democrats on control of for the first time in years.

  5. Corruption is everywhere and the local papers will not let humans know I exist. Every citizen has a right to run for office and every citizen has a right to know.

    My post is relevant to the topic because I want the Independence Party endorsement!

    My Leadership Views are extensively explained at the website below:

    I am campaigning for Ulster County Executive!

    I will fortify the moral positions of the county by holding immoral humans accountable.
    Slavery, abuse, discrimination, and oppression are not tolerable!

    I am Kai Artorius Humphrey.
    I am 33 years old.
    I have a degree in Leadership from Rutgers University.
    I value teamwork, being inclusive, communication, and community.

    Dictators and egocentric maniacs are destroying our Democracy, our Republic, and our American culture!

    Governments are supposed to increase citizen participation, education, and awareness. I believe citizens need to be given opportunities to influence government direction. Offering opportunities to express expertise and volunteer labor are effective ways to allow citizens to be included and feel valued by their government.

    I am happy to align with any party that promotes human rights as a government agenda.
    I would like to gain these endorsements:
    Ulster County Democratic Committee
    Ulster County Republican Committee
    Ulster County Independence Party.

    A leader must have convictions!

    Kingston is New York’s first capital, where American law started, and is the place the word country, referencing the United States, was first documented.

    I see Ulster County as the soul of America. Kingston is its heartbeat. The town of Rochester is its Spirit and Ellenville is where we go to have fun. 209 is our super highway. The Catskill Mountains and Shawangunk Mountains border 209 with gorgeous natural terrain.

    I live in the Catskill Park. I value the beauty and rarity of our Earth.

    Pro-life mentality, but pro-choice reality.
    Women should always have legal access to abortions. Debate should only be about government funding and exclude birth control and contraception. They are healthcare products and should be accessible to any gender that identifies with using them. I believe in encouraging women to give life an opportunity by focusing on creating support systems that can assist with pregnancy and births. Adoption and foster care need attention and reform.

    In 2018, in Manhattan, I marched with in protest against profit medicine, drugging children, and abusive practices.

    Universal Healthcare lacks structure. The questions that need to be solved are based on the issues of information access, patient privacy, insurance options, available medical services, pricing, liability, and time taken to be treated.

    When wanted, I believe every American has the right to receive health improving treatments. When critical, medical attention should be mandated to prolong life.

    Universal healthcare should be divided into two systems and citizens should have the choice every year to change health coverage.

    Unionized healthcare should be built with laws to standardize policies related to privacy and protection rights for both healthcare professionals and patients. Unionized healthcare should have laws making insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, and healthcare professionals guilty for price gouging, restricting patient access, and denying legal procedures. Lifesaving products, like Epinephrine Auto-injectors, being accessible to humans is the priority.

    Autonomous healthcare should be guided by Federal and State laws when it comes to humanitarian issues like consent, proper procedure, and hygiene.
    Autonomous healthcare should allow healthcare professionals to be selective in client choices and free in price setting.

    Ulster County healthcare needs to focus on Lyme disease. Lyme disease has no obvious cure and is rampantly growing in the county. Oral and vision care are areas desperately in need of improvement. Oral and vision care, which are proven to provide a better quality of living and longer life span, need to be available, cheap, and common for Ulster County citizens.

    I believe Americans should be able to own guns. Guns are the best form of home protection. I advocate for certain guns to be allowed in hunting, which I am adamant about continuing in Ulster County. I do not fear government proposals to have background checks, exams, and registration become the process to acquiring and keeping gun ownership. There is logic to wanting guns insured. Gun noise needs to be talked about. Hunting camps and shooting ranges need to be discussed. Hunting camp registration helps create legal liability. Shooting ranges allow citizens to test weapons, have a relationship with local enforcement agencies, and generates communication between gun owners. I do not want to see guns removed from our culture nor do I want to prevent usage by healthy and capable citizens. I do want to discuss gun usage and how citizens attain them. In 2018, for this reason, I marched with Kaia, across the Walkway over the Hudson, during the March for Our Lives protest.

    I empower women!
    I am actively advocating Ulster County host an event this summer called Women’s Woodstock.
    Twitter: @womenswoodstock is an event, I created, to recognize the accomplishments of women. The event is scheduled during the 2020 Presidential election year.
    Twitter: @yestowomen
    In 2018, Kaia & I went by bus to D.C., with Planned Parenthood, in support of women’s rights. I publicly endorsed Kirsten Gillibrand for President in 2020, at the Hart Building, when she spoke to our group. I photographed Gillibrand and Kaia together.
    In 2019, I went to the Women’s March in Atlantic City.

    Working at local sports organizations has offered important leadership knowledge. I have met a lot of families and kids from various local places. I understand school dynamics, communities, and youth development.

    I have stood up against corrupt administrations and boards to protect children. I advocate for child safety through cultural change. I will make a difference in our public education system.

    Governor Andrew Cuomo will be pressured to enforce his current legislation and continue passing progressive women’s rights laws.

    Ulster County should set an example by conquering the immoral humans perpetuating an abusive culture against females!

    I know the importance of forming a great team and give Mike Hein credit for creating an efficient and effective form of government. We need to get the entire Nation to see what we have accomplished. We need to get the citizens of Ulster County to communicate with the county government more, feel more included, and vote more.

    I think my energy, effort, and enthusiasm are essential for Ulster County Executive.

    Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: @ViceroyKai
    Facebook, Instagram: @HumphreyEmpireCorp

    I am ready to lead. Ulster County residents deserve to know I exist.


    Spread this message and give your endorsement.

  6. It would be easier for the NY State board of elections to stop using or implying the term ‘independent’ for a non party enrolled person. Simply use the appropriate tern: not enrolled (in a party). Making this party of each election information cycle would in time dispell shadow of fraud attached to the party name.

  7. NYS Democrats need to just stop with trying to change the constitution, and this country. IF they can’t win at national elections, if they don’t like the country that much, LEAVE!!!

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