Hawaii Top-Two Bills Defeated in Committee

On February 6, the Hawaii House Judiciary Committee defeated two bills for a top-two system. HB 1588 would have implemented a top-two system similar to what California and Washington use. HB 1589 would have implemented the kind of top-two system that Louisiana used before it was invalidated in 1997 by the U.S. Supreme Court in Foster v Love. Both bills were sponsored by Representative Sylvia Luke (D-Honolulu).

There is also a top-two bill in the Senate, SB 954, but it has not been scheduled for a hearing.


Hawaii Top-Two Bills Defeated in Committee — 3 Comments

  1. HB 1589 would not apply to federal offices. The open primary has been used for non-federal elections in Louisiana since 1975, with the primary in October, and runoff in November.

    On remand of Foster v. Love, the district court harmonized the state law with federal law by moving the primary date to TFTATFMIN. This was upheld by the 5th Circuit in Love v Foster. The Love party may have appealed,but the SCOTUS was apparently content with the decision of the lower court.

    This would likely be the situation if Hawaii were to extend the Open Primary to congressional elections.

    The bill says that action was deferred. Is that the same as defeated?

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