North Carolina Election Board Webpage Still Has No Information for Upcoming Special U.S. House Election

North Carolina will hold an election to fill the vacant U.S. House seat, 9th district, in the next few months.  But as of February 26, there is no information for potential candidates on the web page of the North Carolina State Board of Elections.


North Carolina Election Board Webpage Still Has No Information for Upcoming Special U.S. House Election — 2 Comments

  1. NC is 1 of top 10 States for possible Civil WAR II to start in –

    esp due to high tech pack/crack minority rule gerrymanders in NC.

  2. The board is supposed to set the date on next Monday. Technically the board voided the general election, so that there is not a vacancy. Before this December, only the general election would be re-run. In December, the legislature as part of the reconstitution of the NCSBOE added a provision for a primary to be held for congressional elections.

    Marc Elias has suggested that this new law might be challenged by the Democrats.

    There were two local elections that were also voided. A decision on a fourth race was put off based on need to do more legal research. It is a judicial race, perhaps that has something to do so with it.

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