California Presidential Tax Return Bill Has Hearing on March 19

The California bill to require presidential candidates to reveal their income tax returns will be heard in the Senate Elections Committee on March 19, Tuesday. Here is the text of the bill. It has an urgency clause, so it needs two-thirds in each house. However Democrats have more than two-thirds in each house of the legislature.


California Presidential Tax Return Bill Has Hearing on March 19 — 11 Comments

  1. 2/3 plus RED Donkeys — due to CA RED Donkey controlled gerrymander commission —

    govt of, by and for RED communist OLIGARCHS.

    PR and AppV

  2. Actually, California has a redistricting commission made up of citizens. There have to be an equal number of Democrats and Republicans by law.

  3. Trump could run without his name on the California ballot and still win. In fact, he could possibly get a majority of the vote in all the other 49 states.

  4. Various undercover RED Donkey agents claimed to be independents (and were chosen) when the CA gerrymander commission was chosen.

    Result — the RED Donkey communist CA legislature —

    in the CA Soviet Socialist Republic — CASSOR.

    Classic communist machination — as in takeover of various regimes in E. Europe during/after WW II.

  5. Wikipedia is the least reliable source you could cite to. Just admit you were wrong like a big boy.

  6. Sorry — Wikipedia is the MOST reliable source you could cite to —

    reviewed by *experts* in each subject area — esp college profs.

    Still waiting for the MV research on the *Other* folks on the CA gerrymander Commission.

    Perhaps type in each *Other* name in Google ??? Duh.

    NO gerrymander commissions needed or wanted.

    PR and AppV

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