Maine Bill to Use Ranked Choice Voting for President

Ten Maine legislators have introduced LD 1083, which would use ranked choice voting for president in the general election. Although Maine already uses ranked choice voting for congress, it has never permitted it for president.

The bill would also provide for ranked choice voting in Maine’s presidential primary, if Maine has a presidential primary. A bill introduced in January 2019 to provide for a 2020 presidential primary, LD 245, is still in committee.


Maine Bill to Use Ranked Choice Voting for President — 7 Comments

  1. Any ME hacks wiping out the 2 EC gerrymander districts [USA Rep gerrymander dists] ???

    Trump won 1 of 2 in 2016.

    Clinton got most votes statewide in 2016.

  2. Would the bill still choose electors by district? Would there be separate rankings by district, and overall? On the whole, though, this is a good choice for Maine. IMO ranked choice voting for President is the best method for swing states.

  3. The Maine ranked choice voting (RCV) in single-winner districts will bring a one-party system like one created in San Francisco and Oakland.

    The one-party system unacceptable USA-wide because America is a melting pot and there are very serious implications with snuffing our fair elections and competition of ideas.

    The United Coalition is bringing the three-party system to USA Presidential elections.

    Read about how our team is launching the effort in Central California. The United Coalition USA has been bringing the correct math for pure proportional representation (PPR) for more that twenty-four consecutive years despite the vicious opposition by party bosses and the naivety of the do-gooders who have built these one-party roadblocks as a hindrance to future democracy and the next generations.

    See the video linked below, announcing the “First Central California Mini-state Parliament Election of 2019”, as our team prepares for turning around the implementation of the one-party and two-party voting systems across the USA:

    Public Service Announcement: One-minute Video

  4. Walter, the bill preserves the part of the law that lets each US House district choose its own presidential elector.

  5. Electors being elected in single-winner districts will bring a one-party system to Maine. One-winner districts under ranked choice voting (RCV) RCV bring a one-party system. The United Coalition has prohibited all plurality voting and all single-winner districts within our control so to eliminate the two-party system.

    Unfortunately, some misguided well intentioned do-gooders, are establishing the one-party system in places like Maine and the national Libertarian Party. The LP has implemented Approval Voting (AppV) in all their elections which guarantee a one-party system internally for them into the future until the correction is made to eliminate single-winner districts under AppV. Both AppV and RCV will bring the one-party system in single-winner districts and AppV will bring a one-party system under two-member districts because the biggest faction can vote multiple times on all choices and so AppV will bring a one-party system in most elections.

    Only pure proportional representation (PPR) uses limited voting, where each paper ballot counts as a single vote, but all voters only get one vote. In limited voting, the largest faction elects one name and those voters’ rankings don’t count again after registering on one name (or decision-item) and so RCV in multiple winner districts cannot bring a one-party system. Not like Japan’s limited voting, where voters mark an “X” by one name in five-member districts, the RCV system, prevents the split-vote problem of having too many good candidates.

    Our team has made great strides but we aren’t doing a good enough job at bringing real competition into USA elections. Instead, we are being blocked by more and more one-party election systems, AppV in single-winner and multiple-winner districts and RCV in single-winner election districts like those being considered in Maine.

    The United Coalition USA
    Bring the three-party system in 2020
    Go Ogle [One] in 2020
    (Not affiliated with Google One)

  6. See 34-33-32 RCV example = more communist/fascist robot HACKS with rigged majority *mandates* from Hell.

    Too many New Age math MORONS to count.

    PR and AppV

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