California Bill to Allow Ranked Choice Voting in Special Legislative and Congressional Elections

California State Senator Ben Allen (D-Santa Monica) has introduced SB 641. It allows the Governor to require that Ranked Choice Voting be used in special congressional and legislative elections, if he determines that all the counties inside the particular district are capable of holding such an election. Thanks to Paula Lee for this news.


California Bill to Allow Ranked Choice Voting in Special Legislative and Congressional Elections — 1 Comment

  1. Ranked choice voting (RCV) in single-winner districts like in SF, Oakland and Maine, will bring a one-party system. That’s because only the biggest party can reach 50% (plus one vote), and so that one party will bring many candidates to increase activities and no 2nd biggest (neither a third party nor independent) will be able to win.

    At least in plurality elections, parties that aren’t big have a random chance, because of the “split-vote problem”. Not so in RCV since RCV mitigates the split-vote problem and turns multiples of candidates in a party as an asset.

    It’s no wonder that the national Democratic Party loves RCV in SF, Oakland and other places where Ds hold the majority.

    Are you interested in pure proportional representation (PPR)? The United Coalition USA is bringing the first PPR Electoral College (EC) in 2020 and there are already more than 600 nominees for the 538-member national committee.

    The United Coalition USA will keep the 538-member EC in a four-year term who will also vote on decision-items such as the Unity Platform USA. The Unity Platform USA planks include:

    Eliminate income taxes for all US citizens.
    Bill of Rights for Voting Equality.
    Opposite gender #1 with consecutively ranked alternating genders thereafter.
    Non-Aggression Principle (NAP).
    Uniform definition of Elector in ALL of the USA.
    Simultaneously pay down the USA deficit while spending is limited to within
    the budget after the resolutions for paying the deficit have been attained.
    * * *

    Under the United Coalition USA’s guidelines, the “top 26” items elected in 2019 will retain ballot access starting 1/1/2020 and one new item expected to qualify is “Repeal the 17th Amendment of the US Constitution”.

    One April 5th 2019 the California State Libertarian Party will consider new bylaws (Rule 12) which will bring PPR to the CA State LP.

    The United Coalition USA has been brining pure proportional representation (PPR) by candidate free speech access since 1993. In 1986 Clint Eastwood read about our team vying for Monterey County elective offices and Ronald Reagan’s campaign manager Sue Hutchinson was the genius who brought the tea parties to Carmel which I, James Ogle, attended with Clint as Carmel voter and carried that unity in 1986 and 1992 in campaigns for Carmel and Santa Cruz as the “Ad Hoc Coalition”.

    PPR brings a unity phenomena of team psychology based on numerals on paper ballots but it’s not easy to understand the unity which is viewed rightly as a “threat” to the party-boss election system, and rightly so. Our team has learned that PPR works perfectly on both sub-atomic sized election districts and USA-sized districts, such as the Electoral College. Our team has the potential but us coaches haven’t done a good enough job to give PPR a chance.

    People who want fair elections will love the 539-way tie for the 538 Electors, each name elected by a tie-breaker of one vote. We expect more copy-cats for the PPR Elector College but the United Coalition USA has the experience and know-how to do it right in 2020.

    Sign up today on the PPR Electoral College store, the All Party System Co., a new corporate entity which works with the USA Security and Exchange Commission (SEC), so to bring PPR to all USA corporations. Currently USA corporations are regulated by the SEC to use plurality elections and others unfair and undemocratic standards.

    The All Party System Co. is the first USA corporation to bring democratic legitimacy to corporate boards and holders of voting shares.

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