Filing Closes for Mississippi State Election of 2019

Mississippi elects all its state officers in November 2019. Here is the list of candidates. The filing deadline is the same for everyone, except for president, but of course the 2019 election has nothing to do with presidential elections. The filing deadline this year was March 1, 2019.

There are no Reform Party nominees. This is surely because the leader of the Mississippi Reform Party, Shawn O’Hara, died last year, and he was the party’s candidate recruiter.

The Constitution Party is running Bob Hickingbottom for Governor. The Libertarian Party has two legislative candidates. No other third parties have any candidates. There are many independent candidates for the legislature, and one independent is running for Governor.


Filing Closes for Mississippi State Election of 2019 — 3 Comments

  1. Interesting formatting. With first nanes separated by several inches from the last names and the office, so if you find the list of candidates for the Libertarian Party, you will see that

    Danny and Vicky are running.

    Gubernatorial candidates are Robert, Tate, Bill, Michael, William Bond, Jim, Robert J., Robert Shuler, Gregory, Phillip “Bucket”, Velesha P., Albert, Bob, and David R.

  2. The state senate district race is still being litigated.

    The federal judge indicated that he was going to rule and suggested the legislature should draw new boundaries and extend the filing deadline. The state appealed to the 5th Circuit, but that was rejected after the district judge issued his final ruling. Appeals of cases before a court has issued a final ruling are generally disfavored. Judges may try to jam their decision through by claiming that they gave warning and time for the legislature to act. This worked in Pennsylvania where the Supreme Court ordered the legislature to fix districts, without first clearly establishing a standard.

    In Mississippi, the judge has imposed his map, and ordered an extended filing period. That decision is being appealed.

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