Ukrainian Presidential Election

On March 31, Ukraine held a presidential election. No one got a majority, but Volodymyr Zelensky placed first. A runoff will be held on April 21.

Zelensky has never held elective office, but he was well-known because he is an actor who played on a political drama series. In the series, he was a schoolteacher who made an extemporaneous outburst, wondering why voters constantly vote for corrupt individuals. In the fictional series, he is filmed while making that outburst, and is persuaded to run, and he wins. See this summary of the TV show, written before the actual election.


Ukrainian Presidential Election — 5 Comments

  1. See 1981-1989 Reagan USA Actor-Prez — worked for him.

    Ukraine – nation-state trying to survive with a Prez elected by the People – and not a gerrymander Electoral College.

    PR and AppV

  2. Yes, but Reagan was Governor of California for 8 years before he was elected president.

  3. “Ukraine – nation-state trying to survive with a Prez elected by the People – and not a gerrymander Electoral College.” – Demo Rep

    OR… an UNFAIR non-representative ELITIST United States Senate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. in my opinion if Ukrainians elect zelensky they will be the only country in the world to do a hurri kurri in politics & in fact their existence-if they do they will be the laughing stock of the world-Ukraine doesn’t need a novice whose only claim to fame is playing an imbecile on TV like abbott & Costello,laural & hardy or indeed the 3 stooges (or marx brothers)-he’s an expert in making jokes about a sad story on corruption but coming up with no plan or strategy to provide a viable alternative-he will create chaos,that’s for sure, but definitely nothing good-the oligarchs will be back,putin will be more emboldened,the west will turn sideways & ignore Ukraine & the people who voted the jerk in will become beggars like their parents & grandparents were in the USSR.Ukrainian will fight Ukrainian & putin will pick up the pieces like Russia has done in the past-thrive on picking up the pieces after a calamity is how the russian empire grew-where will zelensky be?-either kolomoisky has a one way ticket for him to Israel or putin & his klepto oligarchs will take care of him in Rostov on the don where yannukovich is hiding out-providing the Ukrainian nationalists will deal with him like stalin did Trotsky.but Ukrainians will pay the price for their idiocity!

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