Maine Bill for Ranked Choice Voting in State General Elections

On April 2, Maine Representative Janice Cooper (D-Yarmouth) introduced LD 1477. It extends ranked choice voting to general elections for state office. It begins the process of amending the Maine Constitution. Although Maine now has ranked choice voting for congress, and for state office primaries, the state constitution stands in the way of permitting it for state office general elections.

LD 1477 has a hearing in the Joint Veterans and Legal Affairs Committee on April 10. It needs two-thirds approval in each house.


Maine Bill for Ranked Choice Voting in State General Elections — 2 Comments

  1. 2016 PREZ- ME

    PREZ VOTES Trump (R) Clinton (D) Others Trump (R) Clinton (D) Others
    747,927 335,593 357,735 54,599 44.9 47.8 7.3

    One of the few *marginal* left/right regimes.

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