On April 15, former Massachusetts Governor William Weld formally declared himself a candidate for the Republican 2020 presidential nomination. Thanks to Thomas Jones for this news.
On April 15, former Massachusetts Governor William Weld formally declared himself a candidate for the Republican 2020 presidential nomination. Thanks to Thomas Jones for this news.
It will be great to see him in the nationally televised presidential debates.
How did Weld get elected as an Elephant in RED communist New Age Mass
— by TOTAL deception ???
LOL, why would Trump bother to debate him? It ain’t gonna happen. Don’t get high off your own supply. It will be great to see him get fewer votes than Vermin Supreme, Deez Nuts or Harambe.
Verified account @KennedyNation
#Weld2020 is the political equivalent of a moldy sack of potatoes, so you have your wish! So lucky.
14h14 hours ago
Kennedy Retweeted Alisha
How funny! He swore to me in 2016 he was a #Libertarian for life. Turns out he’s just another hack political #fraud.
Michael Warren Davis in Spectator USA:
“If William Floyd Weld wins his primary challenge against President Trump, it will be the greatest political miracle since Jesus Christ intervened to advise Emperor Constantine before the Battle of Milvian Bridge.
Weld has no fan base, no name recognition, no political machine.
Though I voted for Trump in the 2016 Republican primary, I still feel an ingrained loyalty to the GOP’s liberal Northeastern wing. So, after the Libertarian party nominated Weld for Vice President, I offered my services as liaison to New England’s liberal Republicans.
I remember pacing the parking lot outside the local Brooks Brothers, chain-smoking and ringing up every hack and donor in my Rolodex. Each and every one responded the same way. First, they’d laugh themselves into a coughing fit. Next they would say something to the effect of: ‘That useless old drunk? You gotta be kidding.’ Then the line would go dead.”
Hopefully William Weld will cause some trouble for President Benito Mussolini Trump. Of course Weld will not win. But it will be fun to watch.
Weld, Weld, Weld… who really cares?
So Bill Weld thinks that Republicans ought to vote for him for president, even though in the last presidential election, he ran as a Libertarian (for VP) and lavishly praised the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton.
I fully expect Weld to endorse the Democratic presidential nominee in 2020 — even if he himself somehow managed to win the Republican nomination. Frankly, he would probably get more respect if he switched parties and ran as a Democrat now. At least I can imagine him being allowed into the Democratic presidential debates, whereas there aren’t likely to be any Republican presidential debates for this campaign.
Let’s be real, he is not getting into debates in either establishment party primary. A Democrat who does not kiss the ring of the government employees unions is as unwelcome as a Republican who is pro choice, pro gay marriage, and more than questionable on gun rights. Neither one will trust a washed up 70-something politician from the last millenium who governed as a Republican, ran as a Libertarian, quasi-endorsed a Democrat and now wants to run as a Republican again – and that would not change if he ran as a Democrat. Had he stayed in the LP he could have debate the Constitution and Green Party nominees as the likely LP nominee, unless he lost the LP nomination too, which he may well have. Now he gets to debate himself as to which party he will run with next time if he runs yet again, and that’s it.
Establishment RINO. He’s got no shot at knocking off “The Donald.”
I’m just glad that phony “libertarian” Bill Weld is no longer in the Libertarian Party.
” Had he stayed in the LP he could have debate the Constitution and Green Party nominees as the likely LP nominee, unless he lost the LP nomination too, which he may well have.”
If the Libertarian Party nominated this jerk, Bill Weld, even AFTER he repeatedly screwed the Libertarian Party over, and violated libertarian principles, in 2020, I think it would be time for serious talk about shutting the Libertarian Party. What’s the point of even having the Libertarian Party is the party is going to put somebody like Bill Weld on the top of its ticket? If Weld is the presidential nominee, the party should just be honest and change its name to the LINO Party, or the Libertarian In Name Only Party.
Bill Weld is still technically a member of the Libertarian Party. His name appears on the Lifetime Members list on the Libertarian Party web site, just like Ron Paul. Libertarian Party membership is determined by signing the Pledge, not by voter registration, and it doesn’t go away just by running in the primary of another party.
Andy- Bill Weld is the principle reason I did NOT vote Libertarian in 2016. I could abide Johnson despite his appearing poorly informed on foreign affairs but not Weld. I voted for the closest thing to a libertarian in the race.
I’m sure the LP chair will vote for Weld.
I said for years Weld is a fraud. I, of course, was right.