Green Party National Committee Will Choose Location for 2020 Presidential Convention in August

The Green Party national committee is inviting local Green Party committees who want to host the national convention to inform the national committee. The national committee will decide on the host city in August 2019.


Green Party National Committee Will Choose Location for 2020 Presidential Convention in August — 4 Comments

  1. August 2020?!? That’s so late for a convention. I support the Greens as they’re the only leftist party on enough state ballots to hypothetically win the presidency (or were in 2016; the 2018 midterms were bad for them, along with all other third-parties, so as usual they’ll have to fight like hell to even have a chance to be an option… our election system sucks so damn much), but that just seems too late to be reasonable.

  2. EARLIEST deadline in States for printing Nov 2020 ballots ???

    — noting 45 days stuff for USA troopers fighting Stone Age barbarians overseas.

  3. They’re trying to mimic the major parties as much as possible. The likely nominee will be apparent well before August, and they’ll be working on general election ballot access on a state by state basis.

    I think they should do it in Puerto Rico.

  4. Thank you, James. I meant to say the decision will be made in August 2019. I have now fixed it. This is why I am so grateful to commenters!

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