Former Reform Party Presidential Candidate Dick Lamm is Interviewed by Third Party Watch

In 1996, former Colorado Governor Dick Lamm sought the Reform Party presidential nomination. He was defeated for that nomination by Ross Perot in a mail ballot. Perot received 32,145 votes; Lamm received 17,121. Third Party Watch recently interviewed Lamm about the 1996 campaign, and the Reform Party’s 2000 presidential campaign, and also about Lamm’s thoughts about the upcoming presidential election. See this link.

The interviewer makes one linguistic error when he or she refers to the general election funding the Reform Party received in 2000. General election funding for the presidential campaigns of certain parties is not “matching funds.” There is no matching for general election presidential public funding. The amount of money is calculated using the party’s percentage of the vote in the previous presidential election. “Matching funds” only refers to primary season public funding. Thanks to Independent Political Report for the link.


Former Reform Party Presidential Candidate Dick Lamm is Interviewed by Third Party Watch — 2 Comments

  1. The United Coalition USA’s first election online “eballot” consisted of 125 candidates from 25 parties, ended April 1st 1995 and Harry Browne the Libertarian won.

    To have 350 voters from Usenet tells how big our team was in 1995 and we were using DOS since Windows 95 had not been circulated much by April 1st 1995.

    In October of 1997 Google launched off our backs and they bought dejaview news and deleted everything they could but our team is still alive and kicking despite them.

    When Harry Browne won our first election, General Colin Powell [Independent] came in second and he was the equivalent of the Vice President, even though the two never knew each other.

    Now in 2020 we’re doing it again just like in 1996, so to bring the unifying mathematics of pure proportional representation.

    Go Ogle [One]
    (Not affiliated with Google One)

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