The Sixth Circuit will hear Schmitt v Husted, 19-3196, on Wednesday, June 26. This is the case on whether election officials can reject a local initiative, even though it has enough valid signatures, because they don’t think it would be legal if it passed. The U.S. District Court had ruled in favor of the initiative proponents, and then the state appealed.
Judicial power is in the Courts and NOT in hack executive bureaucrats.
1. Go to court BEFORE election – esp. BEFORE printing of ballots.
2. Go to court AFTER election.
If the issue is ruled illegal, THEN the regime can go after the proponents for the marginal cost of the election on that specific issue.
Difficult only for moron hacks and judges ???
Part of the rot is *modern* administrative so-called law —
same persons having legis / exec / judic powers — aka tyrants — in USA since 1880s (commerce comms, etc)
About ZERO learned in 6,000 plus years
— due to various powermad morons in high places at various times.