Philadelphia elects seven city council-at-large members in November 2019. The law does not permit any party to run more than five candidates for that office, and voters can only vote for five candidates. Therefore, every election, two non-Democrats are able to win two seats. The last time this office was up, in November 2015, the two non-Democratic winners were two Republican nominees.
The Working Families Part has two candidates for city council-at-large in the November 2019 election, and will try to outpoll all the Republicans, and win the two seats reserved for non-Democrats. The two candidates are Kendra Brooks and Nicolas O’Rourke.
A few cities in Connecticut use the same election system, and in a few instances, Working Families Party nominees (who were not also Democratic nominees) were able to win seats in these Connecticut cities.
Limited voting =
One more HALF-ASS defective *reform*.
PR and AppV and TOTSOP
Isn’t the Working Families Party just a shell for the Democrats? This circumvents the law.
The Working Families Party has had a fair number of nominees, in various states, who weren’t also Democratic nominees.
WFP = one more faction/fraction of RED communism.