Green Party National Meeting Adjourns

The national Green Party meeting in Salem, Massachusetts, has just ended on Sunday, July 28. The party raised almost $10,000 at the fundraiser. When more news about the meeting comes in, this post will be expanded.


Green Party National Meeting Adjourns — 6 Comments

  1. Have the Green folks ever met in Green Mountains in VT or in Green Bay, WI ???

  2. Gruene, Texas and Green River, Wyoming.

    Has BAN ever written about Green River laws.

  3. There were over 200 people at the convention, Walter, but I think it’s Marianne Williamson that’s interested in forming covens and other occult practices.

  4. What Green lessons learned from 2016 ???

    — rashly ASSuming Green folks can learn ANY thing new —

    ie – doing the same olde stuff with the same olde BAAAD results.

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