Max Abramson, New Hampshire Legislator, Declares for the Libertarian Presidential Nomination

The Portsmouth, New Hampshire Herald has this story about New Hampshire state representative Max Abramson, who has declared his candidacy for the Libertarian presidential nomination.


Max Abramson, New Hampshire Legislator, Declares for the Libertarian Presidential Nomination — 26 Comments

  1. LP or Greens –

    which caused 2016 Trump minority rule election the most ???

    Repeat in 2020 ?????

  2. Demo-
    No other party is to blame for Trump, there was a great opportunity for American voters to support a reasonable candidate outside of the duopoly, but the moronic masses still decide to go for “the lesser of two evils”. No Libertarian or other party is to blame

  3. If anyone is hoping that the Libertarians can “spoil” the election in 2020, I don’t think any of the candidates who have announced so far can do it.

  4. I have a question for Libertarians on here. Please just give a straight answer and try to leave intense personal feelings out of it.

    What is the state of the presidential race? Who is the favorite? Who has a realistic chance of getting it? Sort of rank the tiers. Thanks!

  5. Whoever is the biggest name will get the nomination. Actual ideals and principle mean zilch. If Lincoln Chafee or John Kasich seek the nomination, either of them will get it.

  6. The LP has more ANTI-Democracy structures –

    Gerrymander National Committee oligarchs

    Gerrymander National Convention oligarchs

    [copy of Elephants in 1970].

    Results — 0-3 pct of national votes.

    Obvious reforms —

    ALL members vote via secret mail paper ballots.

    PR and AppV

    Same for ALL *democracy based* parties – esp Greens

  7. 2016 ROT Math-
    65,853,514 48.18 Hillary Clinton (Democrat, Women’s Equality, Working Families)
    62,984,828 46.09 Donald J. Trump (Republican, American Independent, Conservative)
    4,489,341 3.28 Gary Johnson (Libertarian, Independence, Independent)
    1,457,218 1.07 Jill Stein (Green, Mountain, Progressive, Independent)
    731,991 0.54 Evan McMullin (Better for America, Independence, Independent)
    135,516,892 99.16 Subtotal
    1,152,384 0.84 ALL others
    136,669,276 100.00 Total

    FEC- Federal Elections 2016, p. 5

    Subversion of BOTH majority rule and plurality rule by the Electoral College ANTI-Democracy math.

    Even more DIVIDE AND CONQUER STUFF IN 2020 ??? DUH.


  8. Tactical Voting (called Strategic Voting in Canada) is the only way that minor parties are able to pick up seats. For example, conservatives, taxpayers, small business owners, and school choice voters who live in one of the 170 entrenched Democrat districts can’t have any impact on the process by voting Republican. So it makes sense for Republicans, small business owners, school choice voters, etc, to support whichever party has the best chance to cost the Democrats a seat in Congress and state legislatures. A year before the election, Britain’s LibDems leave a door hanger on every household with even one Conservative Party voter letting them know that, “this is a Lib-Lab district,” meaning that voters should vote LibDem to at least cost the socialist Labour Party a seat.

  9. Michigan Voter – The weaker LP candidates get in early in an effort to gain some traction before the stronger candidates enter the race. Don’t even bother trying to evaluate the state of the LP Presidential race until January.

  10. How many of the 20 RED CNN debate Donkeys will try to be the LP 2020 Prez candidate ???

    or even the Green 2020 Prez candidate ???

  11. The LP still nominates by convention, which creates possibilities for surprises. Ruff has a lot of rank-and-file support, Kokesh is winning in fundraising, and Abramson is the only elected official in the running. Amash would almost certainly be nominated if he wants it. We really have a long way to go yet.

  12. While Max may have not legislative experience, he was twice elected as a Republican only to switch to Libertarian when it was politically convenient to do so.
    I doubt he gets the requisite tokens to be officially entered into nomination.

  13. PS
    Some may remember Max as the Republican who tried running for vice chair in 2018 only to be rebuffed because he was ineligible to serve in the LNC due to being a GOP candidate for State Rep.

  14. A name that hasn’t been mentioned is Larry Sharpe. He hasn’t said that he is running, but if he did I think his support will catch on quickly in the party.

  15. I think a ticket of Justin Amash and Larry Sharpe would have a lot of appeal. I’d definitely vote for that.

    If Vohra is the nominee, I’ll have to go out and buy an industrial strength nose clip and vote for Trump.

  16. There are plenty of long term libertarians and Libertarians out there in my opinion so there really is no need for major party cast offs to head the ticket again.

  17. Amash-Sharpe would water down the party even more than it is now. Might as well go Kasich-Jeb Bush.

  18. Darryl Perry – Unfortunately, it is never politically convenient to switch to the Libertarian Party if one plans on running again. That may change if an LP Presidential candidate ever makes the debate stage. But right now, it isn’t a move to make in order to advance a political career. I don’t know where Max Abramson stands on the issues, but he at least deserves acknowledgment for keeping the LP in the news and doing his part to weaken the two party system rather than simply questioning his motives.

  19. @me
    If you think an Amash-Sharpe ticket would “water down” the party we obviously have very different views of the Libertarian Party. Amash being pro-life and Sharpe being pro-choice (although he prefers the term anti-abortion as he wants to reduce the number of abortions but not with government force) it would be a decidedly center-libertarian ticket. We can’t be fooled again to think that conservatism is an ally and realize it’s often just as bad as leftism.

  20. More UN-declared Prez WARS [with DEAD/injured USA persons] with leftist or rightist KILLER Prez tyrants ???

    – esp since 1950 Korean WAR aka *police action*.

    see current Trump- NK nonstop machinations – mere 69 years later.

  21. I am not running for president 2020, and have endorsed Kim Ruff.

    And what I meant when I said “politically convenient” re Max flipping to LP every couple of years is that in 2016 he wanted to run for Governor and knew he could get the LP nomination, and now he wants to run for President as a Libertarian and thinks being a two-time GOP State Rep will secure home the nomination.

  22. So abortion is the only thing that determines how libertarian someone is? No wonder the party is a joke.

  23. Amash / Abramson would be a very legit ticket. Not Johnson/Weld level, but certainly good.

    No one has mentioned that it’s possible Weld will jump from the GOP race after he loses into the LP race. It is extremely likely imo.

  24. LP should draft Larry. He was the hands-down best candidate at the LP Convention is 2016. But with him, roll out a TEAM of would-be cabinet members. Mine would have then included:

    Montgomery (Lisa “Kennedy”)
    Williams (Walter)

    They are the people America can look to for minimal-but-good-governance. And…they all help the P and VP nominees campaign. Swarm the media.


    Mark Stewart Greenstein

  25. If Bill Weld appears on any Republican primary ballots in the states that have “Sore Loser” laws (I think there are 16 of them), he would not be able to appear on the general election ballot for President for the Libertarian Party, or for any other party, or as an independent.

    I can’t stand Bill Weld, so I hope he never comes back to the Libertarian Party.

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