Trial Finishes in Georgia Case on Vote-Counting Machines

This article describes the trial in Curling v Raffensperger, the Georgia case over whether the existing vote-counting machines can be used in the fall 2019 local elections. The state has already said it will buy new machines in time for the March 2020 presidential primary. The new machines are from the Dominion Company.


Trial Finishes in Georgia Case on Vote-Counting Machines — 2 Comments

  1. Mere 19 years since 2000 Bush v Gore punch card CHAOS.

    How much hacking of ALL private/public e-systems

    — before and after 2000 ???

  2. The USA regime barely survives by having military stuff like computer weapon systems.

    How about USA NATIONAL SECURITY computer voting machines [with a zillion layers of security] ???

    IE NOT having State MORON HACKS play their EVIL ROTTED local machinations —

    inventing DEFECTIVE computer voting systems each 1-5 years.

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