Bread and Roses Party Registration in Maryland Creeps Up

Currently, the only ballot-qualified party in Maryland is the Bread and Roses Party, which describes its ideals as “socialistic.” It became qualified by submitting more than 10,000 valid signatures late in 2018. It was too late for the 2018 election, but is ballot-qualified for 2020 and 2022.

The Maryland voter registration form lists the party. Not surprisingly, because it is the only party listed other than the Republican and Democratic Parties, its registration is increasing. Maryland releases a registration tally each month. The party has gone from:

January: one member
February: six members
March: 56 members
April: 122 members
May: 188 members
June: 229 members

The July figure will be out soon. Here is the Maryland voter registration form.

The Bread and Roses Party web page is here.


Bread and Roses Party Registration in Maryland Creeps Up — 7 Comments

  1. Skull and Bones Party for the New World Order. Bush and Kerry were/are both members.

  2. Terminator crushed Skulls Party – See T movies series !!! — now often on cable TV.

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