Bill Weld Makes First Campaign Appearance in Iowa, as a Candidate for the 2020 Republican Nomination

This article describes Bill Weld’s first campaign stop in Iowa, in preparation for the February 2020 Iowa Republican caucus.


Bill Weld Makes First Campaign Appearance in Iowa, as a Candidate for the 2020 Republican Nomination — 18 Comments

  1. Consti Lib, in this century Lincoln Chafee has been an independent and before that a Democrat.

  2. Weld waited too long. Mark Sanford looks like he’s getting in.

    Andy – Why don’t you want a challenger to Trump?

  3. I have no problem with somebody challenging Trump, I would just prefer if it were somebody who offered something that was significantly better than Trump, and Bill Weld is not doing that. Bill Weld is as bad, and quite possibly worse, than Trump. Also, Bill Weld, through his previous Association with the Libertarian Party, has disgraced the Libertarian Party, and the word libertarian, so his remaining in the spotlight, even though he has gone back to the Republican Party, has continued to bring shame upon the Libertarian Party and movement.

  4. I think you’re confusing Bill Weld with Augustus Invictus, Nathan Larson, and Christopher Cantwell. Bill Weld was not a perfect libertarian by any means, but he can’t be said to have disgraced the Libertarian Party with any seriousness.

  5. Weld made the LP even more of a joke than Johnson did, Chafee may outdo even that. The sad thing is the party chair supports these fake losers.

  6. Nathan Larson, Augustus Invictus, and Christopher Cantwell never made it to a general election ballot as Libertarian Party candidates.

    Larson was (is) a nutcase, and his he was never really a libertarian. I believe Larson was on the ballot for state legislature in Virginia as an independent. He tried to get the LP nomination, but got denied it at the state convention.

    Invictus ran in the LP of Florida US Senate primary (Florida is one of the few states that has a Libertarian Party primary), and he lost to Paul Stanton. Invictus was on the eccentric(dramatic side, but if you examine the platform he ran under, it was actually a pretty strong libertarian platform, and it was certainly more libertarian than the platform of Bill Weld, and Gary Johnson as well, for that matter.

    Christopher Cantwell attempted to get on the ballot for US House in New York in 2010 as a Libertarian Party candidate, but he failed to get enough petition signatures to qualify for the ballot. During this point in time, Cantwell did have a strong libertarian platform, and this was also before he started talking about racial issues.

    What Bill Weld did was much worse. He lied to win the LP nomination for Vice President (well, a combination of lying and delegate stacking the convention with people who were not really libertarians), which is a high profile office, and he actually appeared on the ballot in all 50 states, plus DC, and while campaigning as the LP’s candidate for Vice President, he flagrantly ran against multiple LP platform planks, gushed over how wonderful one of his opponents, Hillary Clinton (who is not even remotely libertarian), was, going so far as leading a lot of people to think he was endorsing her, and, while the LP’s VP nominee, he donated money to the Republican candidate for Governor of New Hampshire, who was far from being a Libertarian, and who was running against a Libertarian Party candidate for Governor. One of the lies Bill Weld told to get the LP nomination was that he was going to stay with the LP for life, and not go back to the Republican Party, which is a promise he broke earlier this year. This is one promise I am glad he broke. I say good riddance to him.

  7. So, first Bill Wled is a liberal Republican, then he’s a libertarian, and now he’s the Never Trump Republican candidate? At least Sanford’s views have been pretty consistent.

  8. I am not completely sold on Justin Amash as an LP presidential candidate, but I will say that Amash is more libertarian than anyone who has been on the LP’s presidential ticket since Michael Badnarik ran in 2004.

    I would NOT support Mark Sanford as an LP candudate.

  9. Bill Weld has NEVER been a libertarian. He’s an establishment politician and a sociopath.

  10. It would seem that Weld can’t make up his mind. In 2008 he endorsed Obama. In 2012 he endorsed Romney. A couple years later he claimed to be a hot-to-trot libertarian. Now he a Republican again?! What a joke. Will we ever have a true gentleman and libertarian like Harry Browne again?

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