Joel Fox Says California Tax Returns-Ballot Bill, if Upheld, Could Skew Primary Votes on Ballot Measures

Joel Fox, who runs Fox & Hounds Daily, a California politics web page, writes here about another consequences of the California tax returns-ballot law. If it is upheld and President Trump does not appear on the 2020 Republican presidential primary ballot, that will probably discourage Republican turnout. And that, in turn, could skew the results of the statewide ballot measures that will appear on the March 2020 ballot.

Also see this Fox & Hounds column by Tony Quinn, which ran on August 13.


Joel Fox Says California Tax Returns-Ballot Bill, if Upheld, Could Skew Primary Votes on Ballot Measures — 7 Comments

  1. How about the obvious quite possible *consequence* ??? — IE — Civil WAR II.

    In 1860 Lincoln was NOT on the *private* ballots in many slave States –

    NO printer risking death to print the ballots in most of the slave States.

    NOW the CA TYRANT regime with its RED Donkey COMMUNIST gerrymander robots in the CA legislature.

    — akin to the slavery robots in the 1861 slave State legislatures.

    Will the 9 SCOTUS gerrymander math MORONS detect such *consequence* ???

  2. “Will the 9 SCOTUS gerrymander math MORONS detect such *consequence* ???” – Demo Rep

    Uh… no.

  3. CL–

    Perhaps – Stay tuned. –

    In Mar 1857 the then SCOTUS majority set the stage for Civil WAR I in Dred Scott v Sandford.

    On 27 June 2019 the 9 SCOTUS hacks set the stage for Civil WAR II in the MORON Rucho gerrymander case op.
    2 Amdt — due to 1775-1776 Brit regime attempt to impose tyranny in Brit colonies – later USA States.

    SCOTUS [and the New Age SUPER-STUPID media] are also MORON brain DEAD about such 2 Amdt connection with the Am Rev WAR — technically another Civil WAR.

    Militia units / volunteers were marginal difference in holding on in 1775-1780 [regular USA Army units got beat by Brits many times] until major French help in 1780-1781.

    – USA/France Victory — Yorktown, VA 19 Oct 1781 >>> 1783 USA-Brit Peace Treaty.

    PR and AppV and TOTSOP

  4. Any American who seeks to vote should also have to make his or her tax returns public. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

  5. Sarah- also life history on video tape since age 0.1 second ???

    ie NOOOO privacy ??? – in voting, in 1 Amdt, 4 Amdt, 9 Amdt actions, etc.

    IE — the Revelation 666 BIG Brother/Sister thing must see/know ALL about ALL folks ???

    — starting with Sarah ???

  6. There’s no question that these California Bolsheviks never accepted the fact that Donald Trump, by winning the popular vote in enough states with enough electoral votes, won the election, instead of Hillary Clinton. The Bolsheviks are trying to set-up a one-party state—-both figuratively and legally.

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