California Democratic Party Endorses Proportional Representation

On August 25, the California Democratic Party Executive Board endorsed Proportional Representation. The resolution says, in part, “Therefore be it resolved that the California Democratic Party supports the institution of proportional representation and multi-member districts to foster greater electoral representation, provide equity to minority discourses, and increase the diversity of our elected officials.”

Here is a link to all the resolutions adopted on August 25. The proportional representation resolution is Resolution 19-05.167. Scroll down. Thanks to Steve Chessin for this news.


California Democratic Party Endorses Proportional Representation — 6 Comments

  1. PR – DOA in the CA RED communist legislature – filled with RED Donkey communists in their gerrymander single member Monarch/Oligarch districts ???

    Page 18, Lines 28-45

    Resolution 19-05.56

    A More Representative U.S. House of Representatives and Electoral College

    Add more USA Reps to the mob scene in DC.

    What percent of the CA Donkey Res. get enacted into LAW ???

  2. If Proportional Representation is adopted in California, it will help several minor parties – the Libertarian Party, the Green Party and it might enable the California Republican Party to survive.

  3. It appears to be directed at local governing bodies. True proportionality requires the results be prtoportional to the votes cast. The sponsor is from San Fraancisco. Election of the board of supervisors at large will increase the cost of campaigning.

    Instead, San Francisco could choose a city council from truly neighborhood-based districts, where the weighted vote of a council member would be proportional to the votes they received. If a candidate received 100 votes they would have 100 votes in the council, if they received 1000 votes, they would have 1000 votes. The city council would have final say on ordinances. They would be paid a nominal salary of perhaps $1, and be expected to have other sources of income.

    The city council would choose the board of supervisors from among their ranks. The BOS would be full-time. Since they could expect advice from city council members, it might be possible to eliminate staff.

    San Francisco could go further and eliminate the mayor, replacing with a city and county manager. Supervisors could represent the city on a rotating basis.

    It would be better to switch back to odd-year elections, rather than sticking elections on the ballot as an afterthought.

  4. @DR,

    The electoral college should not be based on the number of representatives and senators, but rather the citizen population over 18. It should have a membership of 10,000 that would meet as a single deliberative body.

    It is impractical to have 9900 representatives.

  5. PR – ALL legislative bodies

    AppV – ALL elected exec/judic offices

    Both pending Condorcet with AppV tiebreaker.

    USA H Reps became mob scene in 1873 – due to effects of 13 Am – 14-2 Am.

    — NO Union State wanted to lose any Rep seat – with ex-slave States getting a higher pct of total seats >>> southern Reps mostly control of Donkeys 1873-1964

    How many square feet left in USA H Reps chamber for physical USA Rep seats ???
    Take over public audience upper seats ???
    What sayeth DC fire marshal ???

  6. I’m gonna point out that no one has used the word “sayeth” since the Civil War.

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