Petition to Recall California Governor Does Not Mention His Having Signed Tax Returns-Ballot Bill

On September 6, a recall petition for California Governor Gavin Newsom began to circulate. Here is the petition, which has a brief statement of why the petition is being circulated. It does not mention Newsom’s having signed the bill to keep President Donald Trump’s name off the Republican presidential primary ballot. Thanks to Michael Cowles for the link.


Petition to Recall California Governor Does Not Mention His Having Signed Tax Returns-Ballot Bill — 9 Comments

  1. one person elector FORMS – 4.25 x 5.5

    I want to recall A. B. [office – Govt]

    Elector Sig, printed name, address, date signed

    Return to [address]

  2. I would be embarrassed to sign something like that, much less ask anyone else to. The Trump cultists are really going off the deep end. Good response by Gov. Newsom.

  3. Gavin Newsom is a gun grabbing big government loving Democrat. He desrves to be removed from office.

    Having said this, this recall will not qualify for the ballot unless the proponents raise a lot of money to pay petition circulators.

    I worked on tbe petition drive to recall CA Governor Gray Davis from office back in 2003, and it was a big job.

  4. Not in the least, which is why I am so opposed to Trumptards doing so, or wasting money to try. They may make the ballot, but California is heavily Democratic so the Governor will stay in office even if extorted tax money is wasted on this ridiculous vote.

  5. The cost of having a recall election is trivial compared to the cost of having a bad Governor. The argument that recall elections are a waste of money is used by everyone who gets subjected to a recall petition. Ironically, none of these politicians that I have ever seen have recalls launched against them seem to care about the taxpayers any other time.

  6. I’ll be the exception to that rule. I’m always against any government tax or spending. In this case the recall does not alleviate any of that, for starters because the Governor will not be removed. He is carrying out the agenda the voters elected him to enact, whether you or I like it or not. No one is accusing him of doing something out of step with what he campaigned on. I’m not aware of any major scandals or malfeasance that warrant removal. We have a difference of political opinion, and the majority of the people of California happen to be on his side. A wasteful recall election by a bunch of Trump lemmings with hurt feels and sour grapes will not change that fact. In fact it will do nothing whatsoever except waste everyone’s time and money.

  7. Ed, California was heavily democratic in 2003, and Gov. Gray Davis, a democrat, was recalled easily so your argument is invalid. The reason for recall must be stated on the petition but there is no law stating what they must be. So any reason is valid. If you are “always against any government tax or spending” why are you supporting this governor who is a big tax and spender as are all the democrats here?

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