Arizona Democratic State Committee Rejects Motion to Let Independents Vote in Presidential Primary

On September 21, the Arizona Democratic State Committee rejected a motion to invite independents to vote in the party’s 2020 presidential primary. See this story.

Democrats appear naive about the costs of the lawsuit that would have been required, if the party had chosen to go ahead and let independents to vote in their presidential primary. Some Democrats felt it would cost at least $50,000 to sue the state. But there is no doubt that the party would have won the case, because the U.S. Supreme Court already decided in 1986 that parties can invite independents to vote in their primaries if they wish. Therefore, even if the party did need to file a lawsuit, the state would probably have conceded. And if the state didn’t concede, the party would have won the case and then the state would have had to pay the party’s attorney fees.

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