
Matt Ford Makes Fun of the Electoral College — 13 Comments

  1. Trump loving it ??? —

    and every other ANTI-Democracy math MORON since 1776.

    For non-morons —

    Democracy = MAJORITY RULE, nothing more or less.

  2. For non-morons –

    First Principle in formation of ANY *government* is ABCXYZ.

    Solve for ABCXYZ — in this New Age of more and more political MORONS.

    See ye olde John Locke, Second Treatise of Govt 1690 — written just after Brit *Glorious Revolution* in 1688-1689.

    Note certain buzz phrases – to appear in 1775-1776 in Brit American colonies – esp in a certain 4 July 1776 document.

  3. For non-morons-

    LAW Making forms – noted by ancient Greeks

    1. Unanimity – ALL
    2. Democracy – Majority
    3. Oligarchy – Minority 2 or more
    4. Monarchy – ONE
    5. Anarchy – ZERO

    Another test for MORONS to fail — esp New Age media MORONS.

  4. Ed Ng,

    I agree with you…the simple mention of the idea of background checks supported by a strong majority of Americans popular is ugly. And it is also ooky since it brings to mind those inconvenient images of mass shootings and the horrific and emotional aftermath.

  5. TYRANT regimes LOVE have disarmed populations — to kill / enslave such populations.

    Am Rev WAR started on 19 Apr 1775 due to Brit Army units trying to seize Mass Militia armory at Concord, Mass —

    Battles of Lexington and Concord >>>>>>> USA Const — 2 Amdt.

    Still waiting for SCOTUS MORONS to make the connection — failure since 1861.

    Various armed volunteers rush to DC in Apr-Jul 1861 – incorporated into various CRISIS USA Army regiments — esp while *regular* units come back from the wild west [after fighting Am Indian tribes].

    Multiple USA laws in 1861-1862 about such volunteer regiments — some forming core of 1861-1865 USA Army of the Potomac.

  6. Good morning Brad,

    Politicians prefer unarmed peasants. And the experts agree – “gun control” works (the experts being mass murdering and genocidal tyrants). What better system to ensure that a people’s self-defense against the rise of tyranny works than putting the same aspiring tyrants in charge of deciding who may be allowed to purchase an anti-tyranny defense weapon, and maintaining a list of who has such weapons to make future mass confiscation easier?

    But we don’t need to worry about that since it can’t happen here. After all, tyrants who kill millions of people and cause millions more to flee only come to power in poor third world nations such as Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, not modern, relatively wealthy, democratic, industrial nations such as Germany. This is, however, something you can’t fully appreciate if you have never been a “boat person” yourself, so I understand the natural concern about freelance psychos with military-style rifles greatly outweighing any concerns about highly organized groups of psychos taking power and killing vastly larger numbers of people “legally”.

    On the other hand, even a “universal” background check seems unlikely to stop someone who obtains such weapons illegally, but it’s not like numerous people would do something like that every single day in a country which still has millions of them, and would continue to even if you made it illegal. But what really clinches it for me is that there’s no way at all that someone who is about to commit suicide, suicide by cop, or go to prison for life and quite likely the electric chair or lethal injection table would risk adding an illegal gun possession charge to their criminal charges. Even crazy murderers are not THAT crazy.

    As we all know strong majorities are never, ever wrong, and manipulation of emotional responses to tragic events certainly never led anyone astray. I’m glad we agree here, Brad.

  7. EN–

    modern, relatively wealthy, democratic, industrial nations such as Germany

    Ever hear about 1933-1945 Hitler regime of death and destruction —

    due to the FATAL defects in the 1919 Germany Const [esp. allowing regime to suspend German Bill of Rights in an alleged emergency – the infamous 1933 ***Enabling Act***]

    allowed to happen by the super-MORON Allies in 1919 — all with their own rotted Consts with FATAL defects.

  8. No way. That’s fake news. Never happened, and if it had, it would be wrong to imply it could ever happen again, much less in the USA. Haven’t you ever heard of American exceptionalism?

  9. Wow, “Ed Ng” (aka-Paul) just repeated a couple of phrases about gun control at 9/27/19 at 7:16 AM from a t-shirt he saw me wear several times back around 2004-2008 or so, I might have even still had that shirt in 2010 (it wore out and I eventually threw it out). T ordered the shirt from

    First he repeated a phrase from a bumber sticker former LP petitioner, Gary Fincher, had on the back of his car around 2007-2010, and now he repeated phrases I had on a t-shirt several years before that. Coincidence?

  10. Andy, you are getting crazier and crazier. Please seek mental health help as soon as possible. No one except you memorizes your old T-shirts or Gary Fincher’s old bumper stickers from years or decades ago. The argument I made about gun rights are pretty standard ones any number of people make all the time in any number of venues, as is the slogan you claim was on a bumper sticker on Mr. Fincher’s car. Neither the T-shirt nor the bumper sticker are likely to have been custom made for you or him; that means these messages are not unique to the two of you. Your woeful standards of what you consider proof or evidence are why you are the butt of so many jokes. It also explains why you would fall for charlatans and grifters such as Alex Jones, Stefan Molyneux, David Icke, et tedious cetera.

    An additional question you might wish to ask yourself is whether anyone except you cares about your goofy guessing games as to my supposed hidden identity. I suspect very few if any people do. They want to know whether you or I said something which made sense. Why don’t you stick to that? I’m not anyone particularly important, and despite all your preening and paranoia, you are not either.

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