California Governor Signs Some Election Law Bills, but Releases No Information on the Most Interesting Election Bills

On October 8, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed 17 bills relating to election law. See his press release.

However, the press release has no information about SB 212, which lets non-charter cities and counties use ranked choice voting for their own officers. Currently only charter cities and counties may do that.

The press release has no information about AB 681, which lets voters easily change their party as late as primary election day and says that all voters must be sent a notice before any primary telling them how they are registered. However, the Governor did sign SB 72, which lets voters change their registration on primary day.

The press release has no information about SB 696, which forces the American Independent Party to change its name by October 29, or else be removed from the ballot and lose all its registrants.


California Governor Signs Some Election Law Bills, but Releases No Information on the Most Interesting Election Bills — 8 Comments

  1. I see Umberg’s name in several places, but nothing about 696 (AIP name). What’s the latest on that one?

  2. @JB,

    30 days because the legislature is in recess until January. The deadline is based on when the bill is presented to the governor. Newsom might be considering bills in order.

    SB 212 RCV in non-charter cities, October 18.

    AB 696 AIP-killer, October 21 (extended one day to be on Monday).

    AB 681 Election day party affiliation change plus notice, October 25.

    SB 72 permits new registration on election day, but requires a provisional ballot. A voter who is registered but attempts to change parties by filing a new registration is probably voting illegally – though they could probably claim that they did not remember to avoid prosecution.

  3. More reform

    con law DEADLINE for ALL election laws before each general election day.

  4. NO vetoes–

    part of the rotted monarch stuff from the 1066 Brit DARK AGE regime of monarchs and oligarchs.

    TOTAL Separation of Powers — TOTSOP

    IE — for any super-morons —

    DEMOCRACY on paper = better odds to have REAL Democracy in FACT/REALITY.

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