Candidates for Kentucky Secretary of State Comment on Letting Independents Vote in Partisan Primaries

On October 7, the Democratic and Republican candidates for Kentucky Secretary of State spoke and were asked their opinion about a semi-closed primary. The Republican nominee, Michael Adams, said he favors Kentucky’s closed primary, but also he favors letting each party decide that for itself. The Democratic nominee, Heather French Henry, said the issue needs research. See this story.

Henry and Adams are the only candidates for Secretary of State of Kentucky this year. Although the Libertarian Party is on the ballot and has three statewide nominees, it doesn’t have a candidate for Secretary of State. The election is November 5, 2019. Kentucky, Louisiana, and Mississippi are the only states with gubernatorial elections this year.


Candidates for Kentucky Secretary of State Comment on Letting Independents Vote in Partisan Primaries — 1 Comment

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