Brief Filed in California Case on Size of Legislative Districts

On October 25, the opponents of the California legislature’s size filed this brief in the Ninth Circuit. The case is Citizens for Fair Representation v Padilla, 18-17458. The case concerns the population of legislative districts, approximately 1,000,000 per State Senate district, and 500,000 per Assembly district. The people who filed this case argue that ordinary citizens don’t have an effective voice in state government because of the huge districts.

The main thrust of the brief is that the U.S. District Court should not have dismissed the case, because this type of case calls for a 3-judge U.S. District Court.


Brief Filed in California Case on Size of Legislative Districts — 6 Comments

  1. ANTI-Democracy gerrymander ROT math in ALL States —

    1/2 or less [plurality] votes x 1/2 [bare majority] rigged packed / cracked gerrymander districts = 1/4 or less CONTROL

    = ANTI-Democracy MINORITY RULE O-L-I-G-A-R-C-H-Y

    UNEQUAL votes for winners in districts.

    UNEQUAL total votes in districts.

    Much, much, much worse extremist special interest gang nominations in primaries
    — about 5-15 percent REAL minority rule.

    SUBVERSION of 4-4 RFG and 14-1 EPC.

    TOO many lawyer/judge math MORONS to count since 1964 SCOTUS gerrymander cases.
    PR and AppV and TOTSOP

  2. Sorry – NO pop size max per Member in USA Const.

    >>> sanctions on plaintiff *lawyers*.

  3. @DR,

    The plaintiffs are arguing that excessively large districts are discriminatory in the same manor as at-large elections, they violate equal protection and the 15th amendment. Alex Kozinski surely knows more about the Constitution than a commentator in Michigan.

  4. Sorry – NO pop size max per Member in USA Const.

    >>> sanctions on plaintiff *lawyers*.

    At large elections in a zillion local govts since 1776 = indirect MAJORITY RULE = DEMOCRACY

    — being attacked by the now RED communist gerrymander usual suspects — in multi-member elections — legislative bodies, judges and Electoral College — esp the 15 Amdt perversion cases.

    15 Amdt ONLY about being an Elector-Voter — NOT about any *results*.

    See about a foot of the debates in Jan-Feb 1869 in the olde Cong. Globe [on internet] — ZERO about *results*.

    NO need for any commentator on this list – who can NOT read the USA Const. and detect what it says

    — with some political/judicial history for ALL of its language.

  5. @DR,

    Is there anything in the US Constitution about at large city council districts, or multimember legislative districts?

  6. JR –

    ZERO – a State law matter.

    BUT – 4-4 RFG and 14-1 EPC

    Olde SCOTUS case – majority of votes on question prevails – 1880s op ???

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