State Chair of New York Democratic Party Suggests Raising Vote Test for Qualified Status to 250,000 Votes for Governor

The New York Times is reporting that the state chair of the New York Democratic Party, Jay Jacobs, wants to change the definition of a qualified party from a group that got 50,000 votes for Governor, to one that got 250,000 votes. See this story.

Jacobs wants the Commission that is considering public funding to make the change. The legislature has given the Commission the power to change certain other election laws (the Commission’s changes would automatically become law if the legislature doesn’t veto the Commission’s work).


State Chair of New York Democratic Party Suggests Raising Vote Test for Qualified Status to 250,000 Votes for Governor — 10 Comments

  1. This is a direct attack on the Green and Libertarian parties. The LP achieved recognition for the first time ever in NY in 2018. Now they want to change the rules to kill any independent parties from having a voice.

  2. Well, that’s just dandy. An unelected body gets to decide who can run candidates for office. All in the name of “campaign finance reform.” Democracy at its finest – NOT!

  3. That is how the D and R’s destroyed the American Party in Indiana and wounded the LP.

  4. Dumb. This suggestion by the State Chair is simply dumb and I plan on writing him a firm, but polite email to the effect.

  5. It may also be part of another plot to destroy the Working Families Party in New York State.

  6. I believe the only parties that met this standard were the Democrats, Republicans, and Conservatives.

    This is a shameful proposal. The Swamp isn’t just in DC.

  7. This is ridiculous. A 250,000 requirement would force a third party to get 4% in a gubernatorial race after spending resources just to get onto the ballot in order to get automatic ballot access and recognition for only four years.

    The only “third party” that could possibly meet the demand would be the Conservative Party

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