More Details Revealed on New York Proposal for a Tougher Definition of “Political Party”

The Gothamist has more details about the efforts of some Democratic Party leaders in New York state to sharply toughen the definition of a qualified party.

None of the press in New York state has yet explained that 39 states have a procedure by which a group can transform itself into a qualified party in advance of any particular election, by doing some task, such as a petition. But New York is not one of those states. There is no party petition procedure in New York.

Courts would be less willing to strike down the New York proposal if there were such a procedure. Taking the Working Families Party as an example, if the vote test were so severe that it went off the ballot, but if New York had such a procedure, it could regain its qualified status quickly. But in New York, it can’t.


More Details Revealed on New York Proposal for a Tougher Definition of “Political Party” — 9 Comments

  1. INDIVIDUAL candidates are elected — mostly having their names on ballots.

    Much too difficult for MORON lawyers and even worse hack MORON judges to detect.

  2. In some countries that use proportional representation, individual candidates’ names do not appear on the ballot, as in Israel.

  3. RW-

    one more fatal defect in the Israel regime —

    — along with the FATAL parl system


  4. New York does not provide a process for political organizations to gain qualified status in advance of an election. Instead, political organizations seeking party status must run a candidate for governor via the independent nomination process. The organization may denote its name on the nominating petition; the organization’s name will then appear alongside the candidate’s name on the ballot. The name selected must be rendered in English and cannot suggest similarity to an existing party or a political organization that has already filed. If at the general election the organization’s candidate for governor wins at least 50,000 votes, the organization will then be recognized by the state as a political party and have a ballot line for 4 years.

    Independent Nomination Process – Political party candidates seeking placement on the primary ballot must be nominated via designating petitions. A party may nominate a non-enrolled member by filing a certificate of authorization, signed by the presiding officer and secretary of the meeting at which such authorization was given. Only enrolled party members may sign designating petitions. Signature requirements vary according to the office being sought. Generally speaking, a candidate must collect signatures equaling at least 5% of the number of active enrolled voters in the political unit such as governor. Designating petitions must be submitted to the New York State Board of Elections.

    Designating petitions must be filed between the 10th Monday and ninth Tuesday prior to the primary election. A candidate must file a certificate of acceptance or declination of the designation no later than the fourth day after the last day to file designating petitions.

    Enrolled party members may also circulate petitions to allow for the opportunity to write in a candidate for an office for which there is no contest for the party nomination at the primary. These are called Opportunity to Ballot (OTB) petitions and are substantially the same as designating petitions. The petitions are held to the same signature and filing requirements, etc., except that they do not require a candidate to be named.

  5. The fundamental problem in New York is that candidates qualify by party nomination.

    Eliminate this, and there is no need for party qualification, party lines, and public records of political beliefs of voters.

  6. It is becoming increasing clear that Democrats in New York are setting up a campaign finance scheme for their own benefit. They view Republicans as wealthy corporate tools who don’t need public financing, and third party and independent candidates as disruptive distractions for the “confused” voters.

  7. WZ –
    Gee — one more LOOT-the-treasury scheme by the RED Donkey communists.

    PR and AppV and TOTSOP

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