California Report of Registration to be Released November 19

The California Secretary of State expects to release the October 2, 2019 Report of Registration on November 19. This will be the first statewide registration data for California since February 2019. It will apparently show that the Common Sense Party has about 15,000 registrations. The Report will also show the number that would have been needed for any new party to qualify, approximately 65,000.

The Common Sense Party is free to continue its registration drive. Although it has missed the deadline to be a qualified party for the March 2020 primary, it can still participate in the presidential election if it has enough registrants by July 2020.

If any registered members of the Common Sense Party run for Congress or state legislature in the March 2020 primary, and place first or second, it will be interesting to see if that candidate is permitted to have his or her party label on the November ballot (assuming the party has qualified by the July 2020 deadline).


California Report of Registration to be Released November 19 — 1 Comment

  1. The Common Sense Party should intervene in the Soltysik litigation.

    The only purpose for qualification for voter-nominated offices is to be able to make endorsements in the voter’s guide.

    A voter party preference is a personal political expression, along with an expression of an intent to affiliate with a party at its next primary. Alex Padilla has expressed an intent to affiliate with the Democratic Party, but this is conditional on there being a Democratic primary. The voters might have abandoned the party, or perhaps the party would choose not to hold a primary.

    This is the same situation as Tom Campbell and the Common Sense Party.

    There are no partisan voter-nominated primaries. Padilla can not intend to vote in the Democratic Primary for voter-nominated offices because such an election does not exist. He might as well claim that he intends to vote in the Democratic Primary for county supervisor or other nonpartisan office.

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