Ranked Choice Voting to be Used in Michigan for First Time

Eastpointe, Michigan, will use ranked choice voting for its city council election on November 5, 2019. This will be the first time it has been used to elect public officials in Michigan. See this story. Thanks to Rob Richie for the link.


Ranked Choice Voting to be Used in Michigan for First Time — 29 Comments

    Pre-election CANDIDATE rank order lists.
    Total Votes / Total Members = RATIO – to elect.
    Surplus votes down.
    Lowest loser votes up.

    ALL votes count.

    Advanced – Condorcet / Exact Votes.

  2. (sigh) I think it would be very…. interesting to meet Demo Rep in person. Getting back to the issue at hand; I hope that Ranked Choice Voting goes well.

  3. Lowest loser votes up — via RCV.

    NO interest to meet ANY of the juvenile math MORONS are this list
    -esp the New Age types infected with 1993 onward flippant stupidity of Clinton, Bush II, Obama and Trump.

  4. In a ranked choice election many voters do not rank all the candidates. Some will rank a candidate twice, or give two candidates the same rank. Some cities prevent a voter from ranking all candidates. Some will rank a candidate first and third. It would be like a three-year-old who when asked to rank his favorite ice cream flavors, would say “strawberry”. What if they are out of strawberry? “chocolate”. And what if they are out of chocolate? “strawberry”. Voters may think that they are voting in rounds, and don’t want to switch away from their favored candidate.

    There is a video on the Eastpointe website purporting to show how votes are counted. If it were realistic, it would show ballots being wadded up and discarded as “exhausted”. Others would be torn up because of overvotes. Or they would have shown ballot with a second choice already discarded going to a third choice, etc.

    They might have shown that some of the candidates did not reach quota aznd were nonetheless elected.

    What DR is proposing is that the candidates rank all the candidates. A voter only votes for one candidate. I want Juan Deaux to be on the city council representing me. If Deaux can not be elected, theen the voter presumably would favor the choices of Deaux.

    Alternatively, if a ballot were exhaausted, it would revert to the rankings of the first choice.

  5. Eastpointe was ex – East Detroit

    — name change in early 1990s due to total communist ROT with major racial overtones since 1967 RIOT in Detroit.

    *pointe* part from olde auto biz rich eastern suburbs having olde French *pointe* in their names.

    What percent of exhausted ballots in SF, CA and other regimes having RCV ???

  6. Kid Rock’s song is to the tune of Billy Joel’s “It’s Still Rock and Roll To Me”

    Rock’s version is “It’s Still East Detroit to Me.”

    Of the 5 supervisor races in 2018, in two of the races, the number of exhausted (discarded) ballots was greater than the margin of victory.

    Any exhausted ballot should be treated as a vote for the last place continuing candidate. If that prevents exclusion they should hold a runoff.

  7. No wonder I never heard the song. Kid Rock sucks, so does Billy Joel.

    I see this being a disaster for both the voters and election officials.

  8. Correction – lowest loser loses.

    New ballot with remaining choices.

    Really 1066 DARK AGE primitive — thus — the all day election.

    CRISIS gerrymander election of 650 HC members on 12 Dec 2019 – SHORT daylight.

  9. @DR,

    Why do seek destroy history, or even time? If you shout enough will the ocean recede?

  10. Keep shouting – save REAL Democracy from the monarchs/oligarchs killers/enslavers.

    Greece 500 BC vs the New Age Persian BARBARIAN hoards – esp USA RED Donkey communists.

  11. @DR,

    It might not be that hard to count. There are only four candidates running for two seats. The leader will get at least 25%, and it would not be that surprising to have the 4th candidate at 10% or so.

    The hard part may be normalizing irregularly marked ballots. In Minneapolis, they convert ballots to a spreadsheet and then use Excel to move “stacks” around. In Eastpointe, there are only 40 permutations of valid markings (abcd and abc-) are indistinguishable as far as results.

    Meanwhile it appears that the black candidate has been elected mayor with a plurality of 19. The USDOJ sued because blacks could not win.

  12. Eastpointe Mayor – one more minority rule HACK.

    Apparently NO primary ???

    Will small suburb now totally rot like olde Detroit — NO investment, whites flee, etc. ???

  13. @DR,

    There were 4991 votes (excluding the 154 “inactive” ballots, these could be blank ballots or overvotes. In the past voters have voted for two, and some voters may have done so this election).

    The quota was ceil(4991/3) or 1664. Since they were using fractions, they really should have used 1663.6667, rounding up at the fourth digit.

    Lucido received 1855 votes on first preference and was elected. Her surplus was 1855 minus 1664, or 191. The transfer value is 191/1855 or 0.1029 (calculated to four digits and truncated).

    If you subtract the value in Round 1 from the value in Round 2, and divide by the transfer value, you can determine how many ballots transferred.

    For Curley, (1673.9009 – 1610)/0.1029 equals 621. There were 621 Lucido-Curley ballots. Similarly, there were 662 Lucido-Hall_Rayford ballots, 278 Lucido-Edwards, and 294 Lucido only ballots (these might have been Lucido-Lucido-Lucido-Lucido or some other irregular form, because they don’t permit voters to put a 1 next to their next choice, or perhaps they were simple plumped votes).

    621+662+278+294 equals 1855, meaning all the Lucido ballots were accounted for. 1855 times 0.1029 is 190.8795, which is 0.1205. These are the votes lost to truncation of the transfer value.

    It is shown as “residual surplus”

  14. One more MORONIC *system* with ANY fractional votes

    — par for New Age idiocy.

    PR [with whole votes]

  15. @DR,

    The assistant city manager in the Free Press article uses “deviations” where he probably meant “variants”.

    Amusingly, RCV was not used for the mayoral race. It was won by a black woman who received 32.5% of the vote, and a 19 vote plurality.

  16. @DR,

    Do you have a math phobia in addition to your germ phobia?

    Any trick-or-treaters dressed up as scary fractions?

  17. @Jim,

    It was repealed in Ann Arbor after one election. I don’t know whether or not Michigan law has changed or not since then. Easrpointe is operating under a federal court order.

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