Second Circuit Rules that President Trump’s Tax Returns Must be Furnished to New York Prosecutor

On November 4, the Second Circuit ruled that New York state prosecutors may have copies of President Trump’s tax returns for the last eight years. Trump v Vance, 19-3204. Here is the 34-page opinion. The decision is by Judge Robert Katzmann, a Clinton appointee. It is also signed by Judge Denny Chin, an Obama appointee; and Judge Christopher F. Droney, a Clinton appointee.

The New York prosecutor had been trying to get the tax returns from President Trump’s accountant. The case does not require President Trump himself to furnish the returns. It is expected that he will ask for U.S. Supreme Court involvement. Thanks to Political Wire for this news.


Second Circuit Rules that President Trump’s Tax Returns Must be Furnished to New York Prosecutor — 4 Comments

  1. How many seconds until Trump commits WAR [with or without any declaration] against ALL of his now many enemies, domestic and foreign ???

    END of the Roman Republic in 120 BC-27 BC — TYRANT Augustus Caesar and his gang won – Roman Empire.

    England – 1642-1649 English Civil WAR – King Charles I head chopped off.

    Stuff much more condensed since election day 2016 to now.
    PR and Appv and TOTSOP

  2. I may be alone in this, but I think some basic consistency is needed from the courts. If it is too much of a burden to submit tax returns, then petitioning requirements should be much more liberal then they currently are today.

    I see it as evil hypocrisy in saying that “Oh, no its too difficult for President Trump to file his tax returns” but it is perfectly acceptable to require Jane or John Doe candidate to collect 10k signatures.

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